Trump administration jailing passport applicants with U.S. birth certificates

بقلم: Ed Newman
2018-08-31 20:24:19


Washington, September 1 (RHC)-- In the U.S., The Washington Post is reporting that the Trump administration is increasingly denying passports to U.S. citizens of Mexican heritage, throwing their citizenship into question. 

The newspaper reports that the White House has even begun jailing some passport applicants who have official state-issued birth certificates, because the government is questioning their paperwork.  In other cases, Americans of Mexican heritage have had their passports revoked while abroad, preventing them from coming home. 

In one case, the State Department denied a passport to a 40-year-old U.S. Army veteran named Juan who had a birth certificate showing he was born in Texas.  According to The Washington Post, Juan’s passport was rejected even though he had spent three years as a private in the Army, then as a cadet in the Border Patrol.  He now works as a state prison guard, but is no longer a U.S. citizen, putting his status in jeopardy.


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