President Raúl Castro Says ACS Cannot Remain Indifferent to Complex Regional Situation

بقلم: Lena Valverde Jordi
2016-06-05 14:41:25


Havana, June 4 (RHC)-- President Raúl Castro said in Havana that the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) cannot remain indifferent to disturbances in Latin America and the Caribbean resulting from the counteroffensive unleashed by imperialist, right-wing opposition and oligarchic sectors against progressive governments in the region.

Addressing Saturday's final session of the 7th ACS Summit, President Raúl said that the current right-wing offensive constitutes a threat to peace, stability, unity and the indispensable regional integration.

He highlighted that the Havana Declaration confirmed the validity of the principles on which the Association of Caribbean States was founded in 1994. President Raúl added that despite significant accomplishments, much remains to be done as the challenges to be overcome are enormous. He mentioned the threat to regional peace and stability, the impact of the global crisis and climate change.

President Raúl further reiterated Cuba's unconditional support for and solidarity with the people of Venezuela, the legitimate government of President Nicolas Maduro, and the Bolivarian Revolution initiated by Commander Hugo Chavez.

He described as a source of deep concern, the unacceptable, failed attempt by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS) Luis Almagro to use the so-called Inter American Democratic Charter to try to interfere with the internal affairs of Venezuela.

“Even from its inception, the OAS has been, is and will continue to be, an instrument of imperialist domination, and no reform whatsoever can change its nature or its history,” said the Cuban president and reiterated that Cuba will never return to the OAS.

He also extended Cuba's solidarity to the Brazilian people and their Constitutional President Dilma Rousseff, who is courageously confronting the parliamentary coup promoted by the right-wing and neoliberal oligarchy, in their attempt to reverse the significant social achievements scored during the governments headed by the Workers Party.

The Cuban head of state added that the current regional situation demands the reinforcement of consultation and coordination mechanisms in conformity with the precepts contained in the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, signed by the Heads of States and/or Government attending the 2nd Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC), held in Havana in January 2014.

And he added: “We should also urge others to respect those principles in their relations with Caribbean states.”

Among other challenges, Raúl cited the problem of inter-region air and maritime transport, which creates obstacles to trade between Caribbean countries.

Other areas of strategic importance mentioned by the Cuban President included the diversification of the region's tourist market, the development of multi-destination tourism, increases in the quality of tourist services and the training of skilled personnel. He noted that Cuba is interested in expanding cooperation in this area with other Caribbean states.




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