Presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
By Guillermo Alvarado
Exactly three weeks before the US presidential elections, polls and pundits alike are pointing to a process that has failed to excite the citizens who are being called to the polls.
Although the styles of the two candidates, former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris, are markedly different, the fact is that neither seems to connect with the people, and the option of voting for the lesser of two evils rather than the best candidate is emerging.
The North seems to be experiencing a phenomenon that is becoming commonplace across the rest of the continent and the European Union, namely that ordinary people, the average citizen as they are often called, do not feel that the political class represents their most pressing interests.
This can be seen from the fact that as the days go by, the polls show no significant movement one way or the other, which is tantamount to saying that public opinion is stagnant.
Overall, the polls put Trump ahead.
As the campaign enters the final stretch, the candidates are focusing on winning votes in sectors that could be key, such as workers, especially blue-collar workers, and Latino immigrants.
With regard to the latter, Harris is at a disadvantage as she has very little impact and the intention to vote for her is even lower than that of Joseph Biden in the last elections.
Paradoxes aside, Trump, a rabid anti-immigrant and avowed xenophobe, is gaining sympathy among Latinos, even though he has clearly said he will wage war on those who try to cross the border into Mexico.
The Democrats also have problems with other communities, such as in the city of Detroit, Michigan, where 80 per cent of the population is of African descent and where voter turnout, especially among men, is declining. Michigan, one of the most electorally important states, is home to a large population of Arab origin who are outraged by the Biden-Harris administration's unqualified support for Israel.
With elections just around the corner, it could be argued that the outcome of the 5th of November will not be in the hands of a power which has a commitment to war and death.