Brazil is experiencing the stability associated with President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva
By: Roberto Morejón
Brazil is experiencing the stability associated with President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, although his administration has suffered setbacks due to natural phenomena and others of an extreme nature.
With a seal against neoliberalism, with emphasis on social impact plans, Brazil enjoys economic growth, decreasing unemployment and reactivation of domestic trade.
With a fiscal reform aimed at increasing contributions to the treasury from the most economically favored sectors and less from the poorest, the South American giant is accumulating resources to support programs such as Bolsa Familia.
However, the country has faced coup attempts from sectors sympathetic to ultra-conservative ex-president Jair Bolsonaro, as well as adverse natural and health conditions.
Now, the state of São Paulo is facing a dangerous outbreak of dengue fever, to the point that authorities have declared a public health emergency in more than 20 cities due to the increase in deaths and thousands of confirmed cases.
Reports of the disease are part of a scenario in which Brazilians have not yet recovered from the effects of fires, especially in the Amazon, and floods in 2024.
More than 22 million hectares, half of them in the jungle, burned in forest fires between January and last October, a figure that is more than double that recorded in a similar period in 2023.
Experts said the increase in the number of fires was caused by the severe drought, the worst in the last 75 years, which is considered an effect of climate change.
The aftermath of the flames in an area considered a timber and water reserve and home to five percent of all plant and animal species on Earth was a cause for concern.
Brazil is still trying to recover from another disaster, torrential flooding in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, which has forced an ambitious recovery plan.
The floods affected 2.5 million people, 1.3 million homes and 2,815 kilometers of roads.
President Lula mobilized federal resources to help the victims, even declaring during his trips to the region that the country would do everything possible to restore the homes of those affected.
As we can see, natural disasters and the advance of dengue fever make the country's situation more complex, but it is positive that Brazil is moving forward.