Bolton fired! What gives?

Here in Cuba, we are surprised by the news of the firing of National Security Advisor John Bolton by Donald Trump. We ask, what does it mean?... More

By Charles McKelvey ... More

By Charles McKelvey ... More

The first day of school in Cuba

Today is the first day of school in Cuba. Here in Havana, near the studios of Havana Radio Cuba, a multitude of children could be seen, walking to their schools in their school uniforms, new book bags in hand, accompanied by their parents and grandparents.... More

By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout ... More

By Laurel Leff, The Conversation ... More

anberra, Aug 21 (PL) Australia will be part of the U.S.-led mission in the Strait of Hormuz, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Wednesday.... More


Havana, Aug 21 (PL) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez reiterated his rejection of US attempts to sabotage Cuban medical collaboration in over 60 countries.... More


Biarritz is known for big Atlantic waves, but the loudest crashing at next weekend's G7 meeting in the French resort could be the sound of US President Donald Trump and his convention-wrecking diplomacy.... More

On August 9, 1945, the government of the United States, then headed by President Harry S. Truman, dropped a plutonium atomic bomb over Nagasaki, which instantly killed no less than 70,000 men, women and children and condemned to death tens of thousands more over the subsequent years.... More

An editorial by Simon Trisdall for The Guardian... More

U.S. cruise ships can no longer travel to Cuba... More

commentary from teleSUR / More

Evidently frustrated by the failure of its puppet in Venezuela -- the self-proclaimed "president" Juan Guaido -- and by the evident lack of leadership of its 'Man in Caracas,' the administration of Donald Trump is now blaming Cuba for its failed military coup. ... More

Dreaming in Miami

An editorial by Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada... More
