Playing with fire

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, expressed concern about Israel extending its war against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip to Lebanon, which would cause a regionalization of the war conflict.... More

Weeks of water

June is usually rainy in Cuba, but June 2024 has left the inhabitants of the archipelago amazed by the frequency and intensity of rainfall.... More

On June 30th, the different political parties in Uruguay will hold internal elections to elect their candidates for the general elections on October 27, in which the new president of the South American country will be appointed.... More

Daily life in Cuba is full of constant challenges, but also of beautiful gestures, which are born of friendship or that solidarity that distinguishes Cubans and that speaks of the greatness of a people and especially of its young people.... More

Ramaphosa and the new era

A skilled negotiator, the leader of the ANC, African National Congress, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been inaugurated for a second presidential term in South Africa, 30 years after the beginning of efforts to leave behind the heavy legacy of development separated by races, the hated apartheid.... More

Among the sectors seriously affected by the inhumane US blockade is communications, whose economic losses in the last ten years are estimated at 500 million dollars.... More

France to the polls

The French are just 10 days away from going to the first round of the early legislative elections, where more than the fate of Emmanuel Macron's government is at stake, because for the first time in the history of that country the extreme right could dominate the Parliament.... More

Putting all the potential of science and innovation into generating solutions to the problems that currently affect us is a priority of the government, which the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz Canel, has insisted on countless times.... More

Dispossession in Delaware

The theft in the United States of a subsidiary company of the Venezuelan state company PDVSA through an auction attended by corporate executives, threatens to deprive the South American country of one of its most important assets abroad.... More

Valued by many as a complement to the state economy and overestimated by others, MSMEs, micro, small and medium entities, whose number has increased in Cuba, are called to play a notable role.... More

One of the main social initiatives of the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, the pension reform, was approved in recent days by Congress. The transformation of the current system comes to settle an old debt with an increasingly aging society.... More

Gender violence continues to hit the world in the 21st century. Women and girls are daily targets of all types of attacks that put their physical and mental health at risk and prevent them from participating fully and equally in society.... More

Armed Peace

The philosopher, politician and statesman Mahatma Gandhi said that there are no paths to peace, peace is the path, and with that philosophy he defeated the largest army at the time, the British, and won the independence of his country, India.... More

France revolts

The French Revolution of freedom, equality and fraternity, which had such a profound impact at the time in Latin America and the Caribbean, is on the verge of falling into the hands of the darkest forces of the racist, xenophobic and fascist extreme right.... More

In recent days, the government of President Bernardo Arévalo made an important decision, which takes into account an old demand from the residents of the community of Asunción Mita, in the Guatemalan department of Jutiapa, regarding the questioned Cerro Blanco mining project.... More
