The people decide

In the next few hours, Cubans will be the protagonists of a new exercise in participatory democracy. With their free, equal, direct and secret vote, they will elect at the polls the deputies that will integrate the Tenth Legislature of the National Assembly of the People's Power of Cuba.... More

Appetite for White Gold

With enormous reserves of lithium, Bolivia is studying appropriate ways for its industrialization, but it is beset by external interests, attracted by the ductile and light alkaline metal, used in the manufacture of batteries, cell phones, ceramics, glass and lubricants.... More

Over the last decade, dengue has been one of the most prevalent diseases in the Americas. It has shown a cyclical behavior and a tendency to increase, according to international health organizations.... More

The 470 candidates for deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power are making today and tomorrow the last tours of all municipalities in Cuba as part of a very particular electoral campaign.... More

Cubans are at the doorstep of exercising the suffrage again, as a political and participatory right, in accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Law and the principles of society.... More

In the U.S. city of New York, the UN Conference on Water opens its doors, an opportunity to adopt concrete actions that make it possible to advance in the Sustainable Development Goals and goals related to the vital liquid.... More

Currently in the world 50 million people are victims of slavery in its different modalities. In 2021 there were 10 million more than in 2016, according to the ILO, International Labor Organization.... More

The National Electoral Council adjusts the upcoming election in Cuba so that the mechanisms fit like clockwork, and citizens exercise their vote freely and responsibly on March 26th.... More

Alaska in danger

Controversy has erupted after U.S. President Joe Biden gave the green light to the criticized Willow Project, one of the largest oil and gas development plans in the wildlife-rich state of Alaska.... More

In the next few hours, polling stations will be activated in Cuba, for the dynamic test that is usually carried out in the country before each electoral process, in order to finalize all the details and ensure that the voting day runs smoothly and with total transparency.... More

Some exemplary links

Cuba's participation in the Summit of Associations of the Confederation of Indian Industry has been an opportunity to review more than six decades of cooperation and outline new strategies to advance in its strengthening.... More

New criteria and evidence provided by international observers underline the magnitude of the institutional repression in Peru during the protests for the overthrow of former president Pedro Castillo and in favor of early elections.... More

The digital transformation that has been taking place in Cuba for years seeks to modernize governance, administrative and economic processes, and especially to put people at the center of everything in order to bring new technologies closer to the population.... More

The elusive rainfalls

Showers associated with a weak cold front that affected part of the western part of the country excited Cuban residents, eager as they are to benefit from rain, in the face of an acute drought.... More

The United States definitely cannot stop considering Latin America as its backyard, despite the fact that it has been losing hegemony in the region, in the face of the advance of progressive and sovereign governments, which do not bow to its dictates and seek the welfare of their peoples.... More
