With COVID-19 still present, the world is currently facing other public health events such as monkeypox, acute hepatitis of unknown origin, which affects the pediatric population, and respiratory infections.... More

Light among the shadows

Without leaving behind the persistent U.S. sanctions, Venezuela's economy is showing encouraging signs, admit Western media.... More

Thirty-five years ago, at the initiative of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, the Program of Attention to the Integral Development of the mountainous regions was launched for the social and economic advancement of those areas of difficult access, forgotten before January 1959.... More

A blow to peace

The Federal Republic of Germany gave a definitive blow to the pacifist policy of that country, established after the defeat of the Nazi regime and the end of World War II, which devastated a large part of the planet and caused millions of deaths in the first half of the last century.... More

Cuba arrives to June 1st, International Children's Day, with the goal of a new Family Code that expands and consolidates the observance of the rights of this population sector, for whose integral development it has been working since January 1959.... More

All opinions count

The draft Family Code under study in Cuba is once again under consideration by the drafting Commission, in the light of the opinions expressed in popular consultation, in a great democratic exercise. ... More

The great challenge

As expected, Colombia's presidential candidate for the Historic Pact, Gustavo Petro, advanced to the second round of the elections, albeit against an unexpected rival, businessman Rodolfo Hernandez, who already began to receive the support of neoliberal and conservative right-wing forces.... More

It is an undeniable fact that Pedro Castillo is not allowed to govern. Since he assumed the presidency of Peru last July, there have been varied and constant maneuvers by the right wing to prevent him from carrying out his government program and implementing changes in the country.... More

Cuba promotes agricultural production poles as an encouraging experience in the midst of efforts to increase food production, currently in deficit.... More

Police violence shakes Brazil

Two new unfortunate events of police violence shocked Brazil in the last week. The excessive use of force by law enforcement officers has become a constant in the South American giant, where Afro-descendants and poor people are the main targets.... More

Dance of vultures

Amid the grief and pain of family and friends of the 19 children and two teachers murdered last week at a school in Texas, the controversial National Rifle Association, the NRA, did not give up holding its general assembly in Houston, not far from the grade school where the massacre took place.  ... More

75th Anniversary of the ACNU

Since the 1960s, when I was studying Political Science at the University of Havana, I was linked to the UNCA, Cuban Association of the United Nations, founded on Friday, May 30, 1947.... More

Time to vote

On Sunday, the first round of the presidential elections will be held in Colombia, where the main unknown for the moment is to know who will be the rival of Gustavo Petro, proposed by the leftist coalition Pacto Histórico, to dispute the final round on June 19.... More

May 28th is the International Day of Action for Women's Health, a right that is violated daily in many nations of the world due to economic and socio-cultural factors.... More

Trump's noose

Former U.S. President Donald Trump occupies political spaces despite so many enemies, although the real estate magnate moves dollars and influences to neutralize them. ... More
