In an exclusive interview with Radio Havana Cuba's Roberto Bastidas, Washington D.C-based Cuban American attorney, Jose Pertierra, discusses Cuba´s inclusion on the U.S. State Department's list of countries that supposedly do not cooperate fully in the fight against terrorism.... More

Carlos Bastidas with Fidel Castro in 1958.

Some Ecuadorians are still aware that the remains of a compatriot, journalist Carlos Bastidas Argüello, have been resting in the Cristobal Colon Cemetery in Havana for 62 years.  Bastidas worked for two months as a reporter in the Sierra Maestra, located in the eastern region of Santiago de Cuba, and found admiration in the rebel guerrillas that fought the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.... More

Statement by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, president of the Republic of Cuba for the Online Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in response to COVID-19... More

The U.S. State Department is circulating a new document to put pressure on the countries that have requested Cuban medical brigades or collaboration agreements.... More

Cuba’s BioCubaFarma Group is currently working on 15 research projects to contribute to the fight against the Covid-19. While six of those projects target patients, people who are already infected, another six correspond to prophylactic medication to be administered to vulnerable population and at-risk groups. Two diagnosis methods and one medical equipment complete the list of the new Covid-19-related research projects. ... More

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel called Tuesday for rigorous action to eliminate manifestations of social indiscipline that still prevail, as the country has now entered stage 2 of the COVID-19 transmission.... More

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has called for urgent action in countries across the Americas to cope with the influx of covid-19 cases.... More

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Maria Zakharova. File Photo.

Havana, March 30 (RHC)-- In a recent press briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, addressed Cuba´s international contribution to the fight against Covid-19.... More

RHC reproduces an article published by The Wire Science, from India. It takes a look at Cuban international medical cooperation and the slander campaign against it.... More

Radio Havana Cuba reproduces in its entirety an article published by the US Weekly Magazine The Nation, on Cuba's involvement in the repatriation of the British cruise ship MS Braemar.... More

Havana, March 18 (RHC)-- Radio Havana brings you an article published on March 18th by the U.K. newspaper, The Independent.... More

The Havana Syndrome, a set of symptoms reportedly experienced by U.S. and Canadian diplomats in Cuba, is a media fabrication, scientists said earlier this week in Havana.... More

The Cuban Academy of Sciences, in coordination with the Cuban Center for Neurosciences began on Monday a forum to debate the multiple facets of scientific research about the alleged health incidents reported by the U.S. embassy diplomats since late 2016.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez warned earlier this week about the threat posed to the international community by the aggressive positions of the U.S. government, including its militarism and global expansion. ... More

The Cuban delegation to the high-level segment of the 43rd regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, headed by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, once again reaffirmed our country's commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights for all.... More
