ALBA-TCP: 15 years in defense of unity, peace and integration ... More

A new law giving security forces immunity from prosecution does not bode well for Brazil's democracy... More

Havana, December 11 (RHC)—The  Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba  (UNEAC) issued a statement on Tuesday rejecting recent remarks by Peruvian-Spanish writer Mario Vargas Llosa, in which he blamed social outbreaks in the continent on Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua and promoted an internal uprising in Cuba.... More

What began over a public transportation fare hike in Chile grew into a massive protest movement against inequality and abuse... More

Havana, December 4 (RHC)-- A statement issued by the Cuban Foreign Ministry on Tuesday rejects any responsibility for the popular mobilizations currently rocking several Latin American countries. Read here full text of the statement.... More

Donald Trump attends a worship service at the International Church of Las Vegas on October 30, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  (Photo: CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMA

Energy Secretary Rick Perry is the latest Trump official or acolyte to prostrate himself, using cult-like terms, before the president. ... More

The Duke of York sleeps tonight on a feather pillow in a royal palace. Julian Assange, the publisher of the century sleeps in the hell of Belmarsh Prison, Britain’s own Guantanamo Bay.... More

In a word, he wasn’t “our guy” in La Paz, Bolivia’s political capital.   ... More

Apathy at the Thanksgiving table is the fetid soil in which racism and other forms of hatred grow.... More

The United States’ fingerprints are all over the coup. ... More

The year of 2019 is coming to a close and with it, comes the day most Americans set aside as a day for Thanksgiving. As I let my mind wander beyond the steel bars and concrete walls, I try to imagine what the people who live outside the prison gates are doing, and what they are thinking.... More

The prophecy of Tupac Katari

Cuban intellectual Abel Prieto considers that Evo, Aymara like Tupac Katari, with his nobility and ethical sense in every way, with his generous dedication to the people, with the extraordinary results of his work, is leaving (no matter who gets hurt) "a perpetual ferment" in Bolivia, in Our America, in the people worthy of this world. And he will surely return "made million."... More

Renowned Argentine intellectual Atilio Boron says the Bolivian tragedy eloquently teaches several lessons that the peoples from Our America and popular social and political forces must learn and engrave in their consciences forever.... More

Speech by Miguel M. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, at the closing of the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference, for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism, at Havana’s Convention Center, November 3, 2019... More

Neoliberalism is an economic failure and a social disaster, said Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel, while delivering the closing speech Sunday at the Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity for Democracy and against Neoliberalism here in Havana. ... More
