Serious political and economic tension is affecting a major part of our Planet Earth following the recent attack by groups of drones against oil installations in Saudi Arabia, including the largest oil refinery in the world.... More

The Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) issued a statement, denouncing the shameful decision to activate the Inter-American Reciprocal Assistance Treaty that contemplates the use of military force.... More

High power economic groups, which include some officials in the Trump Administration, could be conducting a conspiracy to depose Pope Francis and achieve the election of a new Pontiff closer to their interests.... More

Since the triumph of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, US policy towards the nation has been designed to suffocate Cuba’s economy and thereby force regime change.... More

Bolton fired! What gives?

Here in Cuba, we are surprised by the news of the firing of National Security Advisor John Bolton by Donald Trump. We ask, what does it mean?... More

By Charles McKelvey ... More

By Charles McKelvey ... More

Havana, September 5 (RHC)—Cuba has condemned the blatant interference in China´s internal affairs, surrounding the violent incidents reported in Hong Kong.... More

The first day of school in Cuba

Today is the first day of school in Cuba. Here in Havana, near the studios of Havana Radio Cuba, a multitude of children could be seen, walking to their schools in their school uniforms, new book bags in hand, accompanied by their parents and grandparents.... More

Cuba's Foreign Ministry issued a Statement, August 29th, blasting Washington's funding for a program whose main goal is to discredit and sabotage the island's health cooperation with dozens of countries around the world.... More

Havana, August 28 (RHC) – Radio Havana Cuba's weekly program "Recordando al Amigo," dedicated to the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, dealt with the environment and current international issues.... More

By Marjorie Cohn, Truthout ... More

By Laurel Leff, The Conversation ... More

The second program of RHC´s Cuba Online weekly show dedicated to the late ex-President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez entitled Remembering the Friend or Recordando al amigo, included the regular presence of Adán Chavez, the Venezuelan Ambassador to Cuba, brother of Hugo Chavez and, as guest, Pedro Calzadilla, the Coordinator General of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements for the Defense of Humanity.... More

anberra, Aug 21 (PL) Australia will be part of the U.S.-led mission in the Strait of Hormuz, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Wednesday.... More
