Is Brexit stuck?

Following several votes on the separation of the United Kingdom from the European Union, this process of divorce, popularly known as Brexit, is now stuck and no one in Britain knows what will happen next.... More

Speech delivered on March 29, 2019, by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers, at the VIII Meeting of the Association of Caribbean States, in Managua, Nicaragua.... More

The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of China, Geng Shuang addresses the media in Beijing

The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of China, Geng Shuang, gave a forceful reply to recent statements by John Bolton, President Donald Trump´s National Security Advisor, recalling that Latin American and the Caribbean countries are sovereign nations, and as such, they are able to decide by themselves in total liberty what countries they relate to.... More

To the surprise of no one, a new migrant caravan has been formed in the Mexican border city of Tapachula and it is already headed towards the U.S. border.  The caravanistas hope their dreams will come true, but the fate of this new migrant caravan will probably become a nightmare.... More

A Brazilian expert in military coups against elected governments, Michel Temer -- a man who for many years was able to evade the hands of justice thanks to the immunity that afforded him a seat in Congress -- has finally been arrested for leading a criminal mafia.  He was detained in Rio de Janeiro and flown under heavy security to the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, where he will be tried.... More

The Spanish edition of The New York Times has just published a repugnant article suggesting that the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela uses the widely available Cuban medical services in that country to exert control over the civilian population, use votes for Maduro in exchange for medical supplies and maintain other measures of social pressure.... More

Cuba’s foreign policy in 2018

International support for the lifting of the U.S. blockade against Cuba features among highlights of the island's foreign policy work last year.... More

Failed Summit

The second summit between the Presidents of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Kim Jong Un, and the United States, Donald Trump, concluded with no surprises. The meeting was suddenly cancelled before any of the substantive issues were discussed and any document was signed.... More

Several instances, including the so called Lima Group, a gathering that follows Washington's indications, have reversed their stand for a military intervention to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, and destroy the Bolivarian Revolution.... More


On February 23, the day of the announced entry of humanitarian aid to Venezuela arrived, and ended. The apocalyptic predictions did not take place, Nicolás Maduro did not fall, Juan Guaidó remained in Cúcuta, the country did not enter into a cinematographic confrontation. ... More

The self-proclaimed “Provisional President of Venezuela,” Juan Guaidó, is an expert in dangerous actions, who -- in pursuit of his unending ambition -- will go down in history as a person that broke all the rules of decency and democracy.... More

Remember Lybia!

Eight years have passed since the beginning of revolts in Libya, instigated from abroad to overthrow Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.  It opened a bloody conflict in that North African nation that remains fragmented and its population suffering the scourge of armed gangs that are fighting among themselves for control of the country. ... More

Following his defeat in Parliament, which rejected his national budget proposal, Spanish President Pedro Sánchez had no recourse other than convening general elections for April 28th, a high risk contest since the extreme right wing VOX political party could become the deciding force in the electoral dispute. ... More

An international conference was held in Poland, convened by the United States, with the alleged aim of bringing peace and stability to the Middle East, an area where most of the problems are the result of interventionist policies fostered by the U.S., and, most importantly, by Washington’s main ally in that area: Israel.... More

Pedro Sanchez

When the president of the defunct Venezuelan National Assembly Juan Guaidó declared himself the “Provisional President of Venezuela” -- even though no one voted for him -- the government of Spain was one of those that officially recognized him and pushed the European Union to accept such an insolent breach of the Venezuelan Constitution. ... More
