In November 2005, a group of Venezuelan young people traveled to Belgrade, Yugoslavia.  They were sponsored by the Center for Strategies and the Application of Non-Violent Actions, known by its acronym of CANVAS, where they learned tactics and strategies to overthrow governments that the United States didn't like.... More

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has reaffirmed that he will withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan but not from Iraq, and reinforced his insinuations that a military attack on Venezuela is still on the table, with a view to overthrowing the president of that South American country, Nicolas Maduro.... More

The protracted and useless war against drug traffickers, imposed on Mexico by the United States and accepted by Mexico’s neo-liberal administrations, has led to a security crisis and has turned the country into a huge mass grave, according to high officials of the Mexican Government.... More

The last four years have been the warmest since the pre- industrial era -- that is between 1850 and 1900 -- and United Nations experts say this dangerous anomaly is the result of the record accumulation of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.... More

Cuba's ambassador to Canada, Josefina Vidal.   Photo: MINREX

In an exclusive interview, Radio Havana Cuba’s Roberto Bastidas spoke on the phone with Cuba’s Ambassador to Canada, Josefina Vidal. She talked about Canada’s recent decision to cut its staff by half at their embassy in Havana.... More

For those outside of Cuba who would like to support recovery efforts on the island, please contact the Cuban Embassy in your country of residence, local Cuba Solidarity organization, or write to email address: More

The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns and categorically rejects the coup d'etat attempt in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and any attempt to impose a puppet government there at the service of the United States. Cuba also expresses its unwavering solidarity with the government of Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros.... More

Havana, January 23 (RHC)-- Colombian politicians have said the decision of Cuban authorities to honor existing protocols after the rupture in peace talks between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) is correct and in full compliance with international law. ... More

Havana, January 17 (RHC)-- Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry Carlos Fernández de Cossío has warned that implementing Title III of the Helms-Burton Law would be a brutal abuse of international law and customary norms in terms of trade and relationship between countries. ... More

The internationalist collective of Radio Havana Cuba wishes all of our listeners and friends around the world a very Happy New Year, on this January 1st -- the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. ... More

Havana, November 14 (RHC)-- Full text of the statement issued by the Ministry of Public health follows:... More

In pursuit of greater understanding regarding the possible impact of the results of this Tuesday's mid-term elections in the U.S., Radio Havana Cuba's Roberto Bastidas spoke with Dr. Esteban Morales, a long-time scholar of U.S. affairs in Havana.... More

New York, October 31 (RHC)-- For the 27th consecutive year, the United Nations General Assembly is debating a Cuban-sponsored draft resolution on the “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.”... More

Cuban President Miguel Dìaz-Canel Bermudez. UN Photo

United Nations, September 26 (RHC)-- Text of speech by Cuban president follows.... More

The UNICEF has just disclosed that the world is holding no less than thirty million children and adolescents who qualify as refugees, most of them without the company of an adult or family member.... More
