One year after the remaining three Cuban anti-terrorists –- Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino and Antonio Guerrero -- returned home from unjust imprisonment in the U.S., they gathered in Havana on the 17th of December, along with their brothers in struggle Rene Gonzalez and Fernando Gonzalez. They celebrated their return and thanked all of those men and women around the world -- but especially, Cuban Leader Fidel Castro –- for the long battle waged for their final liberation from unjust confinement in the United States.... More

One year has gone by since the simultaneous announcements made on December 17, 2014, by the presidents of Cuba and the United States to re-establish diplomatic relations between both countries and work to improve our relations. ... More

The advances of sciences in Cuba, which have had a direct impact in the improvement of the nation's healthcare standards, do not go unnoticed by foreign governments. Costa Rica President, Luis Guillermo Solis, on a visit to Cuba this week, has said that his country would be interested in specifically exploring Cuba's breakthroughs in biotechnology.... More

The UN Summit Conference on Climate Change in Paris will soon come to an end, but the negotiators have not yet agreed on a text that will meet the expectations and needs of our Planet, despite the fact that this meeting is generally considered as the last chance to reach an agreement to fight global warming.... More

China and CELAC –the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States-- have always been able, on the basis of mutual respect, to have an open a space for dialogue which allows multiple opportunities to develop as well as many challenges to face. ... More

As Cuba continues to open up its economy to direct foreign investment, there is increased interest on the part of Chilean entrepreneurs to step up Chilean business presence on the island.... More

Cuba has reaffirmed its support of a legal, orderly and secure migration, as well as its respect for the right of its citizens to leave and return to their country, according to current international standards. ... More

President Francois Hollande; Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon; Distinguished Heads of State and Government, delegates and guests; Mr. President: Allow me first and foremost to express the condolences of the people and government of Cuba to the people and government of France for the victims of the atrocious terrorist attacks in Paris.... More

The conservative Argentine President elect, Mauricio Macri, is already attempting to dilute the social advances achieved after twelve years of Nestor Kircher-Cristina Fernandez governments , although he claims to be in favor of those in need of help.... More

The Foreign Ministers of the Central American Integration System and from other invited nations have met in El Salvador to examine the situation of over two thousand Cuban citizens who are stuck at the border of Costa Rica with Nicaragua, the victims of delinquents who traffic with persons and also of a US Law originally issued with a view to weaken the over half a century of Revolution in Cuba.... More

It was on this day in 1960 that the three Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic, were brutally assassinated on the orders of the then Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. ... More

After three consecutive successes of the Front for Victory “Frente para la Victoria”, with a project of popular and national leanings in Argentina, the second and final round of presidential elections in the South American country ended with a 2.8 percent vote advantage for the candidate of the right-wing coalition “Cambiemos” or Let's Change, businessman Mauricio Macri, who on December 10th will be taking over from incumbent president Cristina Fernandez.... More

10th Anniversary of FTAA's Defeat

The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) or Spanish: Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas or ALCA, was a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce the trade barriers between all countries in the Americas, excluding Cuba. ... More

HIV/AIDS Experience in Cuba

As the number of deaths caused by the HIV virus has diminished by 42% in the World and new infections dropped by 35%, some people may think that the danger has gone. However, the alert still is on in several nations, including Cuba.... More

Brazilian theologian Leonard Boff writes: As always, the global refugee problem presents an ethical imperative of hospitality at both the national and international levels. We are witnessing human migration such as occurred during the decay of the Roman Empire. ... More
