Haiti plunges into violence

Violence has taken over Haiti. The small Caribbean country is experiencing a critical and alarming situation; criminal gangs have been taking over the territory and already control 80% of it, sowing terror among the civilian population and causing numerous victims.... More


The call by the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, to declare an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the first of its kind made by a high-ranking official of the U.S. government, which until today has been an unwavering supporter of Israel, attracted a great deal of attention.... More

Chávez:  A true revolutionary

"Chávez is a true revolutionary, a deep thinker, sincere, courageous and tireless worker...", would say the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, about the late Venezuelan president, who would change the reality of his beloved Venezuela.... More

Cuban peasants linked to cooperatives take note of new exhortations to propose production plans above the contributions, far below the country's requirements.... More

The conflict between the controversial Attorney General Consuelo Porras and the new government of Guatemala has been escalating in recent days, given the official's lack of willingness to collaborate and maintain a confrontational posture with President Bernardo Arévalo, who has made clear his commitment to confront corruption and impunity prevailing in the Central American country.... More

Crimes under the dictatorship

Chile's military dictatorship, headed by General Augusto Pinochet, who ruled the South American country with blood and fire between 1973 and 1990, in addition to practicing state terrorism against the population on a daily basis, is guilty of other little-known horrendous crimes.... More

The British high court did not make it easy for the press to cover Julian Assange’s anti-extradition hearings in late February. For those of you who may have forgotten, Assange just appealed his extradition to the United States, where he faces brutal punishment for practicing journalism. But the British high court doesn’t want you to remember.  How else to explain it making press coverage of the proceedings so extraordinarily difficult?... More

CELAC belongs to everyone

One of the most frequently heard concepts during the eighth CELAC summit in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was the need to preserve peace in the region, precisely a decade after its proclamation as such in a previous meeting.... More

More than a hundred Cuban health professionals arrived in Honduras in recent days to help revitalize the health system, which the government of President Xiomara Castro inherited in a critical situation, after years of underinvestment in this vital area.... More

Speech by the President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel at the ceremony to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.  ... More

March begins with an important global day to raise awareness of the fact that all human beings should enjoy the same rights, regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, religious beliefs and cognitive limitations.... More

Close warning

It is a fact that practically everyone with leftist positions in the political spectrum, or at least of the so-called progressivism, firmly condemned the genocide that Israel is carrying out against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, where a large-scale humanitarian tragedy is taking place.... More

The taste of China

泸州老窖(Luzhou Laojiao)is one of China's leading liquor producing companies, located in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province.  It is famous for its strong aroma type liquor and has several brands, the most prominent being Guojiao 1573.  This white liquor comes from the 1573 liquor deposits, a nationally protected site that was built in 1573 and is still in operation today.  This year, they were invited to participate in the Habano Festival held in Cuba from February 26th until March 1st.... More

The 24th edition of the Havana Cigar Festival in the Cuban capital is a highlight for this country, because the annual event prevails despite economic difficulties and other setbacks.  ... More

Thirsty Channel

In the year of the 110th anniversary of its inauguration, the Panama Canal is suffering the ravages of drought, with a decline in the number of ships that can navigate, in what is interpreted as a new wake-up call to the behavior of international maritime traffic.... More
