In 1947, Prague, the capital of the then Czechoslovak Republic, was the scene of the First World Festival of Youth and Students, an event that over time has become a space for the defense of peace and in favor of a better world for all.... More

To the camps in southern Algeria, especially in Tindouf, came the voice of Cuba, with its offer of 12 scholarships to young Saharawis to study medicine in Havana and other provinces.... More

For a year now, the Colombian Congress has been analyzing the health reform, presented by the government of President Gustavo Petro, which seeks to transform the country's health system into a public, universal, preventive, intercultural system focused on life and not on business.... More

The Forty-sixth Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the CARICOM is taking place in Guyana, with climate change among its priority debates, as it represents a high risk for the member countries of the Caribbean Community.... More

A date with vultures

A few days ago, the Conservative Action Political Conference was held in the United States, one of the largest assemblies in the world of the forces of the international extreme right characterized by hatred of migrants and absolute contempt for progressive ideas.... More

Argentinian Public TV will broadcast the last program of the emblematic cycle "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo". The authorities of the channel decided to exclude it from its programming, a measure that has provoked rejection, but not surprise, given the government's intention to do away with public media and the denialist attitude of president Javier Milei about the military dictatorship.... More

Taking off the mask

Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented his first program for the post-war period in the Gaza Strip, in which he reveals his intention to maintain absolute control over that territory, which means discarding forever the existence of an independent Palestinian state.... More

Scientists speak out

The links between Cuban and U.S. scientists date back to the first half of the 19th century, although after the imposition of the blockade they were diluted, until a new phase, not free of obstacles, was opened after 2015.... More

The Brazilian government, a tenacious promoter of the reduction of food vulnerabilities in the South American country, promoted an agreement in this sense, with global projection, in the Group of 20.... More

International health agencies have warned that both short- and medium-term exposure to high levels of air pollution can increase the risk of respiratory diseases, heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.... More

A flagship product of Cuban biotechnology, HEBERPROT-P, continues to expand its presence in the world and to benefit more patients with diabetic foot ulcers, a global health problem.... More

Rebellion in the countryside

This week, the city of Madrid, the Spanish capital, experienced an unusual situation when more than 500 tractors and other agricultural vehicles, along with farm animals, entered the city to demand that the government listen to their demands.... More

Wacky adventure in the networks

Judicial wars against political personalities and the poisoning of social networks with distortions and false news are becoming more and more common nowadays, with members of left-wing and progressive parties as favourite targets.... More

Cuban women are preparing for the 11th Congress of their umbrella organisation, the FMC, which for more than 6 decades has represented the interests of this important segment of the population and supported their full integration into society.... More

Trade delegation visits could be frequent between Cuba and the United States given their geographic proximity, although the blockade prevents this.... More
