Companies from the United States, France, South Korea, Germany and the Middle East have signed contracts for the distribution of Meñique, the first long 3D feature animated film made in Cuba and premiered on the island to mark Children’s Day on July 20th.... More

A ballet gala dedicated to the long friendly ties between Cuba and China is set to be held at Havana’s National Theater with the performance of Cuban and Chinese National Ballet Dancers on Tuesday and Wednesday. ... More

Famous US collector, Gilbert Brownstone, opened the exhibition My Love for Art dedicated to the Cuban Five at the José Martí Memorial in Havana’s Revolution Square ... More

The Citizens Room, located at Neue Vahr in the northern German city of Bremen, opened the exhibition Yo me muero como viví (I’ll die as I’ve lived), by Antonio Guerrero, one of the Cuban Five. ... More

The Cuban movie, La película de Ana (Ana’s Film), by late Cuban filmmaker, Daniel Díaz Torres, received the Best Film Award at the 7th Ocean Film Festival: Cinema from Mercosur... More

The show Children of Cuba by Lizt Alfonso Children’s Ballet, currently touring Germany for the first time, is thrilling audiences at the downtown Schmidt Theater of Hamburg. ... More

The Cuban comedy Boccaccerías Habaneras that won the Audience’s Award at the 2013 New Latin American Film Festival will be screened on the island’s movie’s theaters as of this weekend.... More

Mario Coyula Passes Away

Renowned Cuban architect and National Architecture Award Laureate, Mario Coyula, died in Havana on Monday.... More

One of the best Cuban summer cultural attractions will be the performance in Havana’s Mella Theater of the famous company The Globe of London on August 7th. ... More

The Havana based Casa de las Américas cultural institution is celebrating its 55th birthday on July 4th with an ambitious summer program aimed at promoting reading.... More

The eastern city of Santiago de Cuba is hosting the 34th edition of the Caribbean Festival, one of the most important of its kind in the region.... More

Havana residents will enjoy several shows by the Spanish dance company directed by Cuban dancer and choreographer Irene Rodríguez in July and August.... More

The 16th edition of the art fair, Arte en La Rampa, considered a unique national cultural fiesta, began in the capital’s Pabellón Cuba Exhibit Halls, with the aim of providing a space for multicultural dialogue. ... More

Six internationally awarded films produced from 2011 to 2013 make up the German Film Festival that kicked off in Havana’s Charles Chaplin Theater on Wednesday, July 25th.... More

Students from the Cuban Popular Dances School in Cyprus performed a musical show on the history of the art form on the Caribbean island.... More
