Economic Update March 10

President Barack Obama's administration will announce further measures to ease travel and trade restrictions on Cuba on March 17th, ahead of his historic visit to Cuba this month, U.S. congressional sources recently said.... More

Economic Update December 10

Tennessee business and community leaders gathered last Monday to support a bipartisan public policy group in its effort to end the U.S. trade blockade with Cuba.... More

Economic Update November 26

An article by notes that while Americans are still not officially permitted to visit Cuba for tourism purposes, that doesn’t mean the island isn't drawing the attention of the millennial generation and some baby boomers in the U.S., as 46% are interested in touring Cuba in comparison to 36% of baby boomers, according to a new survey by the company Harris Poll.... More

Economic Update November 19

Cuba has been visited so far this year by 3 million foreign visitors, which represents a 18% growth compared to the same period last year. Canada continues as the leading source with more than 1,110,000 tourists, which represents a 13% increase, followed by the main European markets, accounting together for a 25% increase, Cuba's Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) recently said.... More

Economic Update November 12

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is leading a delegation of U.S. government officials who traveled to Havana yesterday, November 11th- and will be here through Saturday, the 14th, marking the first official U.S. Department of Agriculture visit to Cuba since 1961.... More

Economic Update November 05

Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, presented in Havana a new portfolio of business opportunities for the foreign capital, as well as the Business Directory, useful tool for every businessmen.... More

Economic Update October 29

In Santa Cruz del Norte, Mayabeque province, Cuba’s Western Oil Drilling and Extraction Enterprise reached 1 million tons of crude oil thus far this year, a result of investments undertaken and the use of new techn... More

Economic Update October 22

A group of business people from the US State of Ohio were in Cuba looking for opportunities to foster bilateral trade in the event that the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba is lifted.... More

Economic Update October 15

Nine U.S. governors sent a letter to Congressional leaders in Washington to request decisive steps to open trade with Cuba and put an end to the blockade against the Island. ... More

Prof. Angus Deaton, a British economist, was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science on Monday for improving the accuracy of basic economic gauges, including measures of income, poverty and consumption.... More

Economic Update October 08

The U.S. Commerce Secretary arrived in Cuba on Tuesday for talks about steps taken by President Barack Obama to ease the trade blockade against Havana for more than 50 years.... More

Economic Update September 24

From September 21st until today, scholars from a number of nations met in Havana for the 4th International Seminar on Tourism, Development and Sustainability, with the aim of promoting good practice in a key sector for emerging economies.... More

Economic Update September 17

President Obama has reauthorized Cuba's listing on the Trading with the Enemy Act, --an obsolete Act only in force against Cuba--, a move that allows him to continue to use executive authority to improve ties with Havana.... More

This is a reminder that The International Nature Tourism Event this year is scheduled from September 22 to 27 in the Cuban western provinces, particularly in Pinar del Rio. There are new diving and fishing opportunities along with the customary hiking on paths and trails.... More

Economic Update September 10

Cuban Minister of Tourism Manuel Marrero said the amount of visitors has grown 17% so far this year, thanks to the favorable performance of the main source markets.... More
