Indigenous movement denounces feminicide of young girl in Argentina

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-02-18 21:02:43


Members of the Movement have denounced on several occasions the feminicides associated with the practice of chineo.  (Photo: Indigenous Women's Movement for Good Living).

Buenos Aires, February 18 (RHC)-- The Indigenous Women's Movement for Good Living in Argentina has denounced the rape and murder of a small child in the Wichi territory, located in the Chaco region, as a result of a discriminatory and racist practice known as "chineo." 

"Another case of chineo: indigenous feminicide does not stop.  The racism and hatred of the Creoles towards our bodies-territory claimed yet another life, an indigenous sister that we know was murdered by a group of Creoles in Chaco Wichi territory," denounced the Movement. 

"Chineo" is an act of gang rape of indigenous girls, mostly between eight and 11 years old, with which they try to mark their bodies in a discriminatory way; and it has nothing to do with a cultural and ancestral practice of the native peoples, who have continuously rejected it.

The Movement released a statement in which it reveals that the victim was found after disappearing for days, and was abused by a group of criollos (non-indigenous men) who abused her and then murdered her.

"Today we say once again, with tears and shuddering pain #BastaDeChineo.  Our sister was found murdered after intense days of searching.  Her family demands justice is being threatened by the same murderous Creoles," warns the text. 

In addition, the Indigenous Women's Movement points out that the Argentinean Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity to stop the crimes is insufficient.  "There is indolence, indifference, racism and a misogyny that are really embedded in the power structures," they expressed.  

"The Ministry of Women Gėnero and Diversity is ignoring all our complaints, our requests for meetings. We are not being received, not even by the authorities of the competent areas for indigenous women," she adds. 

Members of the Movement have denounced on several occasions the feminicides associated with chineo, which "is a practice that came with colonization, which is mostly encrypted in the northern provinces and which  continues to occur with total impunity."


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