Puebla Group celebrates Lula da Silva's acquittal in Brazil

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-03-11 07:47:30


Buenos Aires, March 11 (RHC)-- The Puebla Group issued a statement on Wednesday celebrating the acquittal of the former president of Brazil and leader of the Workers' Party (PT), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in the Lava Jato case.

The progressive organization pointed out that the news is cause for celebration because Lula was a victim of persecution.   "We celebrate with enthusiasm the news that former President Lula Da Silva has recovered his political rights after six long years of judicial persecution and 580 days of judicial kidnapping."

"The Latin American leaders congratulate the progressive forces of Brazil for their extraordinary resistance in the face of the media crusade that encouraged this process of judicialization of politics, restricting the legitimate right to defense of the former president and the full exercise of his political rights," the Puebla Group's communiqué states.

The organization denounced that the former Brazilian president was subjected to the despicable "Lawfare" method, where Justice is used as a weapon of political confrontation to discredit leaders. 

As in the case of Lula, the Puebla Group stated that it hopes for the innocence of other leaders in the region who are victims of Lawfare.  "We hope that in these cases, as in the case of former President Lula, the light of truth and justice will shine in the end for the sake of the democracy that we defend as progressive citizens," they concluded.


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