Venezuelan foreign minister says an historic struggle is underway

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-07-17 23:17:26


Caracas, July 17 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has affirmed that the Latin American region is facing an historic dispute for the defense of its autonomy and rights.

"It is an historic struggle for land, for natural resources, for a wonderful geographical position in the world and, in recent years, both the reversal of the coup d'état in Bolivia, as well as the resistance of Venezuela, the healthy and peaceful transition that took place in Cuba, have effects," he said during an exclusive interview for teleSUR.

In addition, he stated that the U.S. system reacted with several coups d'état that took place in countries of the region over the last decade.   "The last popular victories of the peoples generated this reaction of imperialism. This should not be doubted, we should not think that these are isolated events.  What a coincidence that this is happening in Cuba, in Haiti, in Bolivia (...).  We have to be very alert to understand that this is an historical dispute and that we are in the decade in which it has to be defined," he asserted.

Jorge Arreaza highlighted that the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean are unique in the world, expressed in social movements, organizations and unions, "without a doubt, they are supportive and generous."   "The elites that have governed them try to prevent these peoples from controlling political power. In democracy, the majorities rule, these are humble and revolutionary.    The elites prevent that. It happens in the U.S., in Honduras, Colombia and Chile," he added.

Likewise, he clarified that the dispute with imperialism goes far beyond the White House.  "They are corporations, a network of military, financial, war and technological corporations that do not respect nationality and have representation in some governments, the most important one, that of the United States," he said.

The Venezuelan diplomat highlighted that his Government has maintained a disposition to dialogue with all sectors of the country, but it is necessary that the conditions announced by President Nicolás Maduro are met, in order to put an end to the actions and plans that seek to generate violence.

"How many things between Miami and Bogota have not happened in the last years.  It is very painful", he commented and added that it is necessary to be alert," because what happened in Haiti can happen in any of our countries."

"We were not surprised that they were mercenaries or Colombians (in the assassination). What happened in Haiti gives veracity to what happened in Venezuela", recalled the Chancellor, who highlighted the actions of the authorities to dismantle criminal gangs in the capital that intended to generate chaos.

"What is happening in Cuba is typical of Democratic tactics; what they are trying to do in other countries in the region, underneath, with 'civil society' organizations, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), that is typical of the Democrats.  Republicans are more frontal."


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