Venezuela and Mexico send aid to Haiti

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-08-15 09:51:40


Venezuela and Mexico announce aid to Haiti

Mexico City, August 15 (RHC)-- The governments of Venezuela and Mexico, among others, have announced the sending of humanitarian aid to Haiti, to attend to the needs of the population that was shaken on Saturday by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, which has so far left 304 dead.

In addition to this announcement, the collaborators of the Cuban Medical Brigade deployed since 1998 in the Caribbean country, which shares with the Dominican Republic the island of Hispaniola, are treating those injured by the tremor that affected mainly the south of that nation.

The journalist of teleSUR, Madelein García, informed this Saturday on her Twitter account that the Venezuelan government will send humanitarian aid to attend to the needs that will help to overcome the situation left by the earthquake in the south of the Caribbean country.

In a statement, the Government of President Nicolás Maduro extended its deepest condolences and offered all its solidarity to the people of the Republic of Haiti following the earthquake in the town of Nippes.

Meanwhile, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that he has instructed the National Coordination of Civil Protection and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Navy and National Defense to help Haiti after the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, which has been followed by several aftershocks.

The Mexican president reiterated his country's solidarity with Haiti and conveyed condolences to its people and government, especially to the families of the deceased.


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