Yasna Provoste enters the race for the Chilean presidency

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-08-22 19:01:03


Yasna Provoste will run in the presidential elections against Gabriel Boric, for Apruebo Dignidad and Sebastián Sichel for Chile Vamos. | Photo: La Tercera

Santiago de Chile, August 22 (RHC)-- Chilean senator of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) Yasna Provoste will be the presidential candidate for the Constituent Unity coalition (UC), after winning on Saturday in the popular consultation organized by this political bloc.

According to preliminary results, the president of the Chilean Senate obtained 62.2 percent of the votes counted, in second place was Paula Narvaez, of the Socialist Party (PS) with 26.4 percent, and third place with 11.4 percent went to Carlos Maldonado, of the Radical Party (PR).

Organizers say the referendum took place calmly and with a discreet attendance, as expected by many analysts.   The National Organizing Commission, composed of representatives of the political parties that make up the Constituent Unity coalition, only militants of the member forces of the center-left alliance and citizens without militancy could participate in the election process.

Thus, Yasna Provoste is to date the only woman who will run in the presidential elections of November 21, in which she will face Gabriel Boric, for the leftist bloc Apruebo Dignidad and Sebastián Sichel for the right-wing coalition Chile Vamos.

A teacher by profession, Provoste assumed several political responsibilities, among them that of Minister of Planning during the government of Ricardo Lagos (2000-2006) and of Education in the first presidency of Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010), a position from which she was removed by a constitutional accusation in Congress that disqualified her from exercising political functions for 5 years.

In 2013, she returned as deputy and four years later she reached a seat in the Chilean Senate for the Atacama Region, institution she has presided since last March.


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