Marchers in Chile in favor of approval of General Pardon Law

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-08-29 22:31:23


Protesters have gathered in the main avenues and in front of governmental institutions in Santiago. | Photo: @JaimeFuentesPu

Santiago de Chile, August 30 (RHC)-- Convened by the Assembly of Relatives of Political Prisoners, and other organizations, various sectors of Chilean society marched this Sunday down the streets of the capital Santiago de Chile demanding the approval of the General Pardon Law for those detained during the outbreak of 2019, local media reported.

To the fundamental request to approve the General Pardon Law with urgency in the Chilean Senate, the relatives and protesters add clarifying the truth, and demand justice and reparation regarding the murdered, victims of injuries, sexual abuse and other human rights violations by carabineros and police officers.

They also demand an end to the criminalization of social mobilization, supported by cultural expressions such as songs, comparsas and a collective poetic intervention, and the presence of caravans of demonstrators on bicycles.  Their demands also include that the Government desist from the possible use of the presidential veto or any recourse before the Constitutional Court in order to hinder or repeal the Law.

Incidentally, the bill, in which the senators who presented it allege "a disproportionate state response followed by massive detentions and multiple criminal proceedings", has been approved in the Senate by the Human Rights, Public Security, and Constitution Commissions.

The Assembly of Relatives of Political Prisoners, and various Chilean non-governmental organizations and associations, have repeatedly demonstrated demanding the release of the detainees, after denouncing abuse of pre-trial detention, slow judicial processes, and the use of specialized legislation to criminalize protests.

Meanwhile, President Sebastián Piñera has expressed on several occasions that "in Chile there are no political prisoners" because "no one is deprived of liberty for how they think", while pointing out that those who are detained have been for committing crimes during the protests of 2019.


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