Out with Bolsonaro campaign confirms 81 events planned in Brazil and other countries
Brasilia, September 29 (RHC)-- The Out with Bolsonaro campaign confirmed Tuesday that 81 events will be held on Saturday, October 2nd, in 76 cities and 10 countries around the world -- in another day of mobilizations to demand the impeachment of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.
According to the website Brasil 247, with the slogan "Vaccine in the Arm, Food on the Plate and Out with Bolsonaro," the protests will be part of the continuation of large demonstrations initiated on May 29th and repeated every month thereafter: June 19, July 3, July 24, July 24, August 18 and September 7th.
For the site, the more than one thousand days (completed on September 27) of Bolsonaro's government will be marked by this day that will count on the union of different leaders of the main progressive parties in the country.
In the demonstration with the greatest potential for national and international repercussion, in Sao Paulo, presidents of five political organizations confirmed their presence around the coordinators of the events: the fronts Brasil Popular and Povo sem Medo (People Without Fear), student organizations, the trade union affiliates and the Black, Afro-Brazilian movement.
"The broad participation of several political parties and personalities only demonstrates what we feel more and more in the streets and in the articulations of the last months," affirmed Juliana Donato, one of the leaders of the mobilizations.
She pointed out that the degree of dissatisfaction with Bolsonaro and his government, 'which destroys social rights, attacks democracy and the environment and only increases unemployment, hunger, misery and the persecution of communities, such as indigenous and black people, is increasingly greater and translates into the need to remove him from office'.
The government's performance is also being questioned by suspicions of corruption in the purchase of anti-COVID-19 vaccines, an issue being investigated by a Senate commission and which placed the former military president under the eye of the Prosecutor's Office.
The Out with Bolsonaro campaign reminded that all individuals and families who go out on the street that day should follow the protective measures against COVID-19, with the use of mask and alcohol gel, in addition to keeping social distance.