Colombian organization warns of serious situation in Chocó

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-10-10 23:16:47


The objective of the listening was to verify the humanitarian situation of the communities and ethnic peoples of Chocó | Photo: Twitter @JEP_Colombia

Bogota, October 11 (RHC)-- Colombia's Integral System for Peace made an appeal on Sunday about the serious humanitarian situation and advocates for the non-repetition of the conflict in the northern department of Chocó when reviewing the visit it made in the communities.

The organization accompanied the visit to Bojayá in Chocó, between Tuesday, October 5 and Thursday, October 7, with the objective of listening to testimonies of leaders about the situation in the department, who asked all the entities present to support the "Humanitarian Agreement Now! for Chocó."

The system is made up of the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV), the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and the Unit for the Search for Missing Persons (UBPD).

Together with ethnic-territorial organizations, representatives of the United Nations and several embassies, the Truth Commission, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and the Unit for the Search for Missing Persons call for respect for the lives of the inhabitants and for immediate solutions to achieve effective guarantees of non-repetition of the armed conflict.

Together with delegates from more than 20 regional institutions and international organizations, representatives of the Community Councils of ACABA, ACADESAN and COCOMACIA, the Mesa de Concertación Indígena, the Foro Interétnico Solidaridad Chocó and the Comité de Víctimas del 2 de Mayo heard about the serious humanitarian crisis in Chocó.

There were reports of confinement and displacement of Afro and indigenous communities due to territorial control disputes between armed groups present in the region.  There were also reports of forced recruitment of children and adolescents, cases of sexual violence, extortion, infringement of the territorial autonomy of ethnic communities, precarious state presence and deficiencies in the implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement.

This is in addition to the complaints filed by eight indigenous communities of the Alto Guayabal Resguardo in the municipality of Carmen del Darien visited between September 27 and 29 by the Truth Commission together with delegations from the diplomatic corps of Ireland, Sweden and the Netherlands.

The communities asked the entities, within the framework of their competencies, to work for effective guarantees of non-repetition of the armed conflict, the prioritization of Bojayá and Medio Atrato as a territorial case in the JEP and the consolidation of the universe of persons reported missing for their search.


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