International Abya Yala Women's Summit in Peru

Edited by Ed Newman
2021-10-16 09:12:07


Participants at the meeting of indigenous women leaders brighten up the streets and other spaces of the Peruvian capital, Lima, with their initiatives and messages. | Photo: @Insausti_tlSUR

Lima, October 16 (RHC)-- With the participation of delegates from ten Latin American nations, the activities of the II World Summit of Women of Abya Yala, a space for dialogue and action focused on the defense of the Pachamama and the rights of indigenous peoples, among other issues, continued this Friday in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

She specified that the leaders participating in the summit will develop a parade with starting point in the Caceres square, in Lima.  Afterwards, the symbolic planting of the Seeds of All Bloods will take place in the capital's Plaza Mayor.

She explained that this initiative is linked to the second agrarian reform promoted in Peru by the government of President Pedro Castillo.

She said that there were discussions on economy, food sovereignty and respect for women's rights, among them the right to decide about their own body and to be free and happy.

She recalled that this Summit is being held within the framework of International Rural Women's Day (October 15), World Food Day (October 16) and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17).

The president of Fenmucarinap added that Bolivia (host of the previous summit, in May 2021) attended with 100 delegates, while Guatemala and Mexico had 29 and 15 representatives, respectively.  Colombia, Ecuador and other nations also attended.

The leader welcomed the election of a woman (Mirtha Esther Vásquez Chuquilin) as Prime Minister of Peru and the willingness of the government of President Pedro Castillo to promote a second agrarian reform.


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