Brazil of All Colors Program to protect LGBTIQ+ rights

Edited by Ed Newman
2022-05-18 19:22:30


Popular movements launched the Brazil of All Colors Program in defense of the rights of this community, against Bolsonarism and all oppressions. Photo: Twitter/@AndreteleSUR

Brasilia, May 18 (RHC)-- A total of 26 popular movements launched the Brazil of All Colors Program on Monday, May 16th, convened at the Meeting of the National LGBTIQ+ People Council.  The program offers a comprehensive social perspective that addresses labor, environment, security, economy, and health issues.

The Brazil of All Colors Program, launched on the eve of World Day to Combat Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, lays the groundwork that opens the space for debate on fundamental rights, access to education, and protection and strengthening of science and research, among other topics. 

While exposing the need to create structures, actions and norms to combat violence against the LGBTIQ+ population, the document compiles a diagnosis of guidelines related to the rights of this community and outlines perspectives for the strengthening of guarantees.  Over 70 guidelines to guide the construction of policies were developed.

"We are not just in the realm of gender and sexuality. We are human beings who demand education, health and so many other agendas in a comprehensive manner," the president of the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Transvestites and Transsexuals (ABGLT) Symmy Larrat said, noting that the purpose is to guide the government and other social entities, in addition to the popular field.  

A total of 26 popular movements, represented at the Meeting of the LGBTIQ+ National People's Council, launched this Monday the All Colors program. Brazil in defense of the rights of that community, against Bolsonarism and all oppressions.

According to Larrat, the discussions of the National Council of the LGBTIQ+ People are the beginning of a collective debate that will help guide the bases and also the "comrades who will assume the executive, legislative, judicial and so many other tasks that are important for the construction of democracy."  

The National Council of LGBTIQ+ People has been in session since May 15 in the city of São Paulo, attended by hundreds of people who agreed to strengthen the fight against conservatism and specifically against Bolsonarism. The meeting was scheduled to conclude this Tuesday with the cultural event "17M: Bolsonaro Nunca Mais" (17M: Bolsonaro Never Again).

Brazil is the country where the largest number of LGBTIQ+ people die. According to the Observatory of Deaths against LGBTIQ+, in 2021, 316 people lost their lives, of which 285 were murdered, 26 committed suicide and five died from other causes. Also, that year, 140 transgender people were killed in Brazil.


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