Bolivarian leader says Iran and Venezuela are building a new world without U.S. hegemonism

Edited by Ed Newman
2022-06-11 08:22:51


Maduro affirmed that imperialism will not be able to silence the voice of the people and that better times await all those who fight for the future. | Photo: HispanTv

Tehran, June 11 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Friday that Iran and his country are at the forefront of ab historical epochal change and the birth of a new world without hegemonism or U.S. imperial domination.

The Bolivarian leader arrived Friday in the Iranian capital, Tehran, the third stop of his international tour -- previously visiting Turkey and Algeria) -- where he will hold official talks with President Seyed Ebrahim Raisi.

In statements to the Iranian media, he expressed that both nations are working to forge a world of equals and permanent dialogue, a paradigm to which they contribute with their resistance, tenacity and results.

He assured that the revolutionary leaders must be very attentive to the signs of change that are manifesting themselves in humanity and the current moment evidences a decline in the hegemony of the powers.

He called attention to the fact that Iran and Venezuela are geographically distant, but he affirmed that solidarity overcomes distances and both share the construction of a fairer multipolar world without hegemonisms.

He emphasized that his visit to Iran seeks to deepen the cooperation between the two countries, which in the last 20 years has been deeply rooted and saw the birth of a relationship of brotherhood, work and shared benefits.

He assured that this is a model relationship for solidarity and mutual support in difficult times.  The Venezuelan president described as "extraordinary" the shipment by Iran, in mid 2020, of several tankers with gasoline to help Venezuela, which at that time was facing a very difficult moment due to COVID-19 and the unilateral restrictive measures imposed by the White House.

He recalled that the crews of those vessels faced U.S. threats to intercept them at sea and pointed out that this shipment allowed the strengthening of Venezuela and preparing it to start the recovery of the national oil industry and economy.

President Maduro announced that this Saturday he will meet with President Raisi, and together with their delegations they will examine a cooperation map with plans and strategies for the next 20 years.

He announced that both nations decided to reopen a direct flight Tehran-Caracas with weekly frequency (later to be increased) to promote tourism.  They will also review and enhance their cooperation in energy matters, as well as the agenda in the agricultural, scientific, health and educational sectors, among others.

He pointed out that Iran produces all its food and exports to other nations despite having 70 percent of its soil in desert conditions.  And President Maduro said that Venezuela welcomes Iranian investments in the food area.


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