Venezuelan president praises Salvador Allende as a prime example of courage

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-09-05 00:41:09


Caracas, September 5 (RHC)-- The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, recalled this Wednesday the legacy of Chilean President Salvador Allende, recognizing him as the first president who tried to make a peaceful and electoral-democratic revolution in Our America.

At the inauguration of the Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI) La Dolorita, in Petare, Miranda State, which coincided with the 54th anniversary of the presidential election of Salvador Allende in 1970, the Venezuelan leader insisted that the Chilean politician was “a prime example of the brave left, which listens to the advice of the humble people.”

“They surrounded him with tanks, they bombed him so that he would surrender.  He had never taken up a rifle.  That day he took it up,” said Nicolás Maduro about the assassination of Salvador Allende during the coup d'état and the subsequent establishment of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, supported by the United States.

“Salvador warned that a fascist right had emerged.  A dictatorship was imposed.  And who was responsible?  The United States with Richard Nixon as president and Henry Kissinger as secretary of state,” said the Boliviarian leader.

When recalling the phrase of Simon Bolivar when he pointed out that "the United States seems destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of freedom," Nicolas Maduro insisted that "the people who fight have more power than the empires that conspire."

The Venezuelan president stressed that criminal plans are being investigated, in relation to the sabotage of the national electrical system.  And he affirmed that in the next few hours, "the criminal plans that are being revealed and the criminals that we are capturing will be known.  They are fascist, diabolical plans," he stressed.

He also recalled the intention of the extreme right to affect health centers, while mentioning that one hospital carried out a bone marrow transplant during the sabotage.

The head of State highlighted the resistance of the Bolivarian people to attempts at destabilization, and the ability to overcome challenges.


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