The iconic ice cream company, Ben & Jerry’s, won even more praise for its activism when it announced this week their support of the Black Lives Matter movement... More

The Colombian government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) announced that they will continue talks... More

The devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew has left some of the hardest hit communities of southern Haiti without electricity, making life for the displaced there even worse.... More

Norway says talks have begun with Washington over a “long-standing U.S. wish” to deploy marines on the Nordic country’s soil.... More

The George H.W. Bush family was reportedly behind the release of an 11-year-old tape that shows Republican president nominee Donald Trump ... More

Under the pretext that Brazil's stock of corn could drop in 2017, the coup government of Michel Temer approved the largest importation of transgenic seed from Monsanto and Bunge, despite protests from farmers in the country. ... More

Eurozone ministers have unlocked $1.2 billion for Greece rom its huge third bailout after it delivered the necessary reforms, but held back more funds amid doubts from Germany. ... More

A video inviting young residents of Paris' immigrant suburbs to give free meals to homeless refugees went viral on Facebook, reaching over 50,000 views. ... More

Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev

Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev has warned that the world has reached a “dangerous threshold” as tensions between Russia and the United States rise over the Syria crisis.... More

South Korea’s tech giant Samsung says it has permanently stopped the production of its flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after it failed to solve issues with its exploding batteries.... More

The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN), the country's second largest guerrilla group, have announced they will begin peace talks on October 27th in Quito, the Ecuadorian capital. ... More

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki

The UN Security Council is to convene two special meetings later this month to discuss the Israeli regime’s land expropriation policies and illegal settlement expansion, the Palestinian foreign minister says. ... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has announced that he will donate the money he will receive as part of the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize to victims of the country's internal conflict.... More

Haitian interim President Jocelerme Privert is warning the country faces a possible famine from what he described as the "apocalyptic destruction" of Hurricane Matthew. ... More

Brazilian high school students occupied at least 60 schools across the country -- mostly in the southern state of Parana -- to protest the unelected government of President Michel Temer... More
