Following the resignation of Spain's Socialist Party leader, Pedro Sanchez, the party's new leader has said he is willing to form a government with the centrist Ciudadanos and the conservative ruling Popular Party, or PP, to avoid a third election. ... More

Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres

Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres is slated to succeed Ban Ki-moon as the next secretary general of the United Nations, following an expected formal recommendation by the Security Council to the General Assembly later this week. ... More

In Poland, as many as six million women poured into the streets for a nationwide protest opposing proposals to completely ban abortions across Poland. ... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has announced the end of a ceasefire with his country's rebel movement, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army, FARC-EP.... More

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, FARC-EP, has called on the government of President Juan Manuel Santos to organize a National Constituent Assembly, as they had argued at the end of peace negotiations when the government imposed a plebiscite instead.... More

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales

Despite the "No" vote in the Colombian plebiscite on Sunday, Bolivia’s President Evo Morales said he is confident peace in Colombia will be achieved. ... More

The transparency group WikiLeaks will soon release new documents in regard to the U.S. presidential elections, according to its founder, Julian Assange. ... More

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on Israel to halt plans to construct a new settlement and an industrial zone in the West Bank. ... More

A report says the U.S. Internet giant Yahoo scanned hundreds of millions of users' emails in 2015 at the request of U.S. intelligence agencies.... More

Doctors Without Borders has marked the first anniversary of the U.S. military’s bombing of its hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, on October 3, 2015. The attack killed 42 people, including patients and staff. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has lodged a complaint against the Speaker of the National Assembly Henry Ramos Allup, accusing him of contempt and for promoting insurrection against President Nicolas Maduro and other public officials. ... More

In the United States, residents of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas are preparing for evacuations as the "extremely dangerous" Hurricane Matthew is expected to brush up to the U.S. East Coast later this week.... More

Human rights activists and NGOs have demanded that the Mexican government declare a "contingency" plan to provide shelter and food to all the immigrants. ... More

Top Colombian Government Peace Negotiator Humberto De La Calle

Colombia's chief negotiator at the peace dialogues with the country's leftist rebels has offered his resignation, hours after Colombians narrowly voted down the peace deal in a non-binding plebiscite Sunday.... More

US State Department Spokesman John Kirby

The United States has suspended negotiations with Russia on reviving a failed ceasefire in Syria amid heightened tensions over the embattled city of Aleppo.... More
