Tegucigalpa, November 12 (RHC),-- Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez says he plans to seek re-election next year, despite warnings from the opposition over the violation of the Central American country's constitution, which mandates a single presidential term.... More

Washington, November 12 (RHC),-- In the United States, hundreds of people of color have reported being physically and verbally attacked, harassed, threatened and insulted in the wake of Donald Trump’s election last week. ... More

Washington, November 10 (RHC)-- Vigils and protests flared up across the United States Wednesday evening as opponents of President-elect Donald Trump expressed dismay with the election results, underscoring the difficult task he faces in uniting a fractured country.... More

Washington, November 10 (RHC)-- The 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign has been one of the most expensive on record with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump raising more than $2 billion in total, according to data from the Federal Election Commission.... More

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Tel Avi, November 10 (RHC)-- Donald Trump, the billionaire property tycoon who beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election on Tuesday, told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ... More

Brussels, November 10 (RHC)-- As news of a Donald Trump’s presidential victory circulated, world leaders gave their obligatory congratulations to the billionaire reality star now president-elect. ... More

Washington, November 10 (RHC)-- The United States airstrikes against Daesh Takfiri terrorists have led to the death of civilians in Iraq and Syria, the U.S. military admits.... More

San Juan, November 10 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, activists took to the streets for an Election Day protest against a federally appointed oversight control board with sweeping powers to run Puerto Rico’s economy.... More

Washington, November 9 (RHC)-- The victory of billionaire Donald J. Trump in the U.S. presidential election is prompting responses from politicians worldwide, ranging from messages of congratulations to tacit expressions of discomfort. ... More

Paris, November 9 (RHC)-- The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) has suspended a Palestinian application to join the intergovernmental organization after coming under pressure from the Tel Aviv turn down the bid. ... More

Copenhagen, November 9 (RHC)-- Danish officials have confiscated thousands of euros from desperate refugees seeking asylum in the country on a handful of occasions since a controversial law came into force earlier this year... More

Damascus, November 9 (RHC)-- Syrian army forces and allied fighters have managed to wrest control of a strategic neighborhood on the southwestern outskirts of Aleppo as the city has turned into a major frontline in the Damascus government’ anti-terror fight. ... More

Addis Ababa, November 9 (RHC)-- Seven AU leaders from Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Niger, South Africa, Sudan and Uganda met on Tuesday at the bloc’s headquarters in Addis Ababa to discuss ways of approximating the warring sides in Libya and to help peace talks resume. ... More

Geneva, November 9 (RHC)-- The UN's migration agency says at least 240 refugees have lost their lives after two more boats sank off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea. ... More

Banjul, November 9 (RHC)-- Fatim Jawara, the goalkeeper of Gambia's national women's soccer team, died in the Mediterranean Sea as she was trying to reach Europe... More
