Israel has approved the construction of 285 new settler units in the occupied West Bank in defiance of international calls to end the illegal project in the Palestinian territories.... More

According to the latest report, since the U.S.-led NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the production of opium in the country has increased by 40 times according to Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service, or FSKN, fueling organized crime and widespread death.... More

Scores of protesters representing labor unions, political parties, and social movements took to the streets throughout Argentina to launch a three-day national mobilization against mass layoffs... More

The U.S. military has increased its presence in Latin America in recent years and tripled its budget for training the region's armed forces, according to a new report. ... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has unveiled the text of the plebiscite question that will ask Colombians on October 2nd to approve the peace deal between the government and rebels, ending more than 50 years of civil war in the South American country.... More

U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s unpopularity among American voters has reached a new high, according to a recent poll, putting her on par with her Republican rival Donald Trump.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales

Bolivian President Evo Morales says that the secretary-general of the Organization of American States, the OAS, is biased and doesn’t defend leftist, progressive governments in the region that are under attack.... More

The fate of Brazilian democracy was decided Wednesday as the country's Senate voted 61 to 20 to impeach suspended President Dilma Rousseff after a trial that many international critics have described as a farce and a parliamentary coup.... More

The head of Colombia's National Liberation Army, or ELN, has written an open letter to members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army – the FARC-EP – wishing them success on the journey toward becoming a legal political organization.... More

Bolivian Deputy Minister Rodolfo Illanes

A new report says that Bolivian miners shouted death threats at Deputy Minister Rodolfo Illanes while holding him hostage only moments before he was beaten to death.... More

Spain's Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy

Spain's acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Tuesday failed to round up the legislative support he needed for a second term, bringing the country a step closer to its third presidential election in only a year.... More

European Union antitrust regulators ordered the U.S.-based Apple corporation to pay up to $14.5 billion, or 13 billion euros, in taxes to the Irish government after ruling that a special scheme to route profits through Ireland was illegal.... More

The Canadian military has warned against a dramatic surge in the number of sexual offense complaints among its ranks, saying the figure is expected to increase 22 percent this year.... More

Tens of thousands of people and representatives of social organizations protested in Brazil's main cities on Monday, the same day suspended President Dilma Rousseff made her defense for staying in office to the Brazilian Senate.... More

Israel continues to ignore international calls to halt its illegal settlement activities and demolishing Palestinian homes in the West Bank, according to a United Nations envoy.... More
