Tensions rose again Sunday night as police used an armored vehicle to disperse protesters in Milwaukee, where a police officer had shot and killed Sylville K. Smith on Saturday... More

Social organizations, political parties and citizens marched Saturday across the country to denounce gender violence against women... More

More than two months since police left ten demonstrators dead in Oaxaca, officials still don't know who gave police the order to fire.... More

Venezuela and Colombia partially reopened their common border on Saturday, August 13th, signaling a warming of relations between the two South American countries. ... More

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) and the Colombian Government have unveiled an independent mechanism for selecting judges for special peace tribunals, a process in which the two sides expect the participation of Pope Francis and U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.... More

A new poll has revealed that 77% of Bolivians believe that President Evo Morales' leadership has been decisive for the country's national development over the past decade.... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has said that Argentine President Mauricio Macri is trying to destroy the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), which also includes Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.... More

Palestinian politicians are uniting in a first-ever left-wing coalition to win the October local elections, Quds Press has reported.... More

Clashes have broken out between Brazilian police and a large number of students protesting against government-proposed reforms to the public education system in the city of Sao Paulo. ... More

The Israeli regime has drawn up a plan to build 2,500 illegal settler units in the occupied West Bank in defiance of widespread calls to halt such unauthorized construction activities in the Palestinian lands. ... More

A growing number of countries are warning their citizens about traveling to the United States over concerns about mass shootings, police violence, anti-Muslim attitudes and the Zika virus, according to a new report.... More

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says her Republican rival, Donald Trump, 'may still beat' her in the run-up to the 2016 presidential vote. ... More

The Hillary Clinton campaign has embraced its recent endorsement by John Negroponte, the former director of national intelligence.... More

In the U.S. state of Missouri, lawyers have sued 13 St. Louis-area cities, arguing the cities are violating poor citizens' rights by locking them in jail over minor traffic violations. ... More

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has bought a new summer resort for nearly $600 thousand, setting off an uproar among those who supported his bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. ... More
