The Washington Post has issued a scathing editorial on Donald Trump, calling the Republican presidential nominee "a unique and present danger" to the world and a "threat to American democracy."... More

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is enjoying a boost in nationwide support after the Republican National Convention, reaching a near tie situation with presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.... More

Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine

U.S. presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has announced Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate in the 2016 race for the White House.... More

Europe has been facing an unprecedented influx of refugees who are fleeing conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East.... More

In France, police raided the refugee camp known as "The Jungle" in the northern city of Calais this week, making arrests and destroying shops.... More

The demilitarization of police, which often act like an occupying force in communities, is a key demand of Black Lives Matter activists. ... More

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura

United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has said there was determination to find a proper date for the resumption of the peace talks on the conflict in Syria.... More

The author of the best-selling memoir "Guantanamo Diary," Mohamedou Ould Slahi, has been cleared for release after being held at the military prison for 14 years without charge.... More

Protesting students and university officials in Honduras continue to clash despite attempts at dialogue as the movement accused authorities of not negotiating in good faith after the administration refused to sign a third-party proposal on how to resolve the crisis rocking the national public university.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales blasted the recent decision by Chilean officials to remove standing visas for his country's diplomats.... More

Amid months of nationwide protests, France's National Assembly officially adopted President Francois Hollande's controversial labor reforms. ... More

The United Nations Security Council has held its first informal poll on the 12 candidates to succeed Ban Ki-moon as the secretary general of the world body. ... More

In the aftermath of the U.S. Republican National Convention in Cleveland, it is now being reported that before Indiana Governor Mike Pence formally accepted the nomination to be Trump’s running mate, the position was offered to someone else... who refused.... More

Delegates at the recently-concluded Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio were overwhelmingly white. ... More

U.S. documentary filmaker and author Michael Moore says that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will win the November presidential elections.... More
