Venezuela has reopened a pedestrian border crossing into Colombia from San Antonio del Tachira, in the western state of Tachira.... More

An inquiry published in Mexico over the weekend has revealed that there is virtually no physical evidence to support the Mexican government's version of the 2014 disappearance of 43 students traveling by bus to Mexico City. ... More

In an interview with the Colombian newspaper El Nuevo Siglo, retired general, Oscar Naranjo, a member of the delegation of the Colombian government has said that the signing of the peace agreement with the FARC-EP will take place within weeks.... More

The Turkish government has reopened an air base in the south of the country used by American forces to allegedly target Daesh terrorists, the Pentagon says.... More

The U.S. government has prohibited all American airlines from flying between the U.S. and Turkey after a failed coup attempt rocked the country and sparked violence there. ... More

Eight Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece with a military helicopter in the failed coup attempt will face trial in Greek court, Anadolu Agency reported Sunday.... More

Hundreds of Americans have held fresh Black Lives Matter demonstrations in protest at the deaths of two Black people at the hands of police.... More

Hundreds of Australians have joined the Black Lives Matter movement, holding rallies in major cities to protest against the killing of two African Americans by police in the United States.... More

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve urged French civilians Saturday to join the military reserves to help the country tackle a wave of terrorist attacks that have befallen France in recent months. ... More

The majority of Britons are opposed to a second referendum on membership of the European Union... More

Hundreds of protesters have held a rally in Liverpool, England, following the death of a Black teenager while he was in the custody of police in Merseyside County. ... More

Tens of thousands of workers are scheduled to hold a partial strike this week in South Korea, after months-long negotiations failed to meet their demand for a bigger wage rise and bonuses.... More

An attempted military coup in Turkey appeared to crumble on Saturday after crowds answered President Tayyip Erdogan’s call to take to the streets and dozens of rebel soldiers abandoned their tanks in the main city of Istanbul.... More

The U.S. government has released 28 pages of a congressional report on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which show the Saudi government may have had a hand in the events.... More

Peruvian President Ollanta Humala

Peru's current administration has invested "unprecedented" amounts in education and social inclusion, according to President Ollanta Humala.... More
