The Argentine government said Monday it will maintain its sovereignty demand over the Malvinas Islands that are currently occupied by the U.K., even if the country leaves the EU.... More

Argentina is looking to join Brazil in manufacturing supersonic fighter jets, the Ministry of Defense said Tuesday.... More

Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa said Tuesday that his country is seeking funds from Asia for the building of an oil refinery.... More

The Barack Obama administration has released its internal assessment of the number of civilians killed by drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya.... More

In the U.S. state of Ohio, Avon Mayor Bryan Jensen has apologized after police handcuffed and pinned an Emirati tourist to the ground... More

With the Brexit vote fresh in the minds of the people, Hungary's leader Viktor Orban is forging ahead with his own referendum on migration and refugees... More

Iraq's Health Ministry has announced that the death toll from the recent bombing attack in the capital Baghdad has risen to 250. ... More

At least 16 people have been killed and 30 more wounded in a bomb attack in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah. ... More

With his successor´s approval ratings in free-fall, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed that he would run to reclaim the presidency in France’s 2017 election.... More

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing criticism after he tweeted an image on Saturday showing Hillary Clinton, a pile of $100 bills and a six-pointed Star of David... More

Former stand-up comedian and current Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has praised the "exemplary" work done by the army, despite the overwhelming evidence it is responsible for systematic murder and human rights abuses in the country.... More

Four months after prominent environmental activist Berta Cacarees was killed, Honduran social media users launched a world campaign on Twitter... More

After the 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated the country’s coast in April, children can finally go back to school. ... More

At least 29 children and teens die at the hands of violent crime every day in Brazil. According to a newly-released report, the figure represents an increase by 576.4 percent over three decades.... More

The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has released more than 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server pertaining to the Iraq War.... More
