Buenos Aires, December 14 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentinians may soon see the end of a communications law designed to limit the dominance of big media corporations and create space for smaller outlets and alternative voices, Prensa Latina reported on Sunday. ... More

Caracas, December 14 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuela’s chief climate negotiator plans to visit the tomb of former President Hugo Chavez as an homage to his important groundwork to push the world toward a stronger climate deal, Reuters reported on Sunday.... More

Rio de Janeiro, December 14 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Brazil unveiled the world's largest floating Christmas tree, in a traditional ceremony attended by nearly 200,000 people.... More

New York, December 12 (RHC)-- The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), has issued a call in Geneva to eradicate poverty and hunger in the world, calling them the root causes of most human rights violations in today's world.... More

Caracas, December 12 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro met Saturday with the Presidential Councils of People's Power to develop a methodological and strategic framework and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Bolivarian Revolution. ... More

Quito, December 12 (RHC)-- Ecuador and Sweden have signed an agreement on legal assistance, which will provide for authorities in Stockholm to interrogate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.... More

Asuncion, December 12 (RHC-Agencies) -- The presidents of Mercosur member-countries have all confirmed their attendance at the group's upcoming summit, set for December 21st in Paraguay.... More

Ramallah, December 12 (RHC)-- Israeli military forces have killed three more Palestinians amid growing tensions in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. ... More

Moscow, December 12 (RHC)-- The United States has deployed nearly 200 nuclear bombs across Europe, Russia says, warning that the increased military operations of NATO, led by the U.S., is deteriorating the military-political situation in the world.... More

Damascus, December 12 (RHC)-- Syrian Air Force operations have destroyed 1,375 militant targets across the country within a period of two weeks starting in late November. ... More

Berlin, December 12 (RHC)-- The German vice-chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has raised the possibility of Berlin’s direct involvement in the so-called fight against Daesh in Syria, saying such action would take place if current political and military efforts against the Takfiri group fail. ... More

Rome, December 12 (RHC)-- Hundreds of students in Italy have held an anti-war protest rally to condemn international arms trade and military spending. The demonstration was staged on Friday outside the Turkish embassy and the headquarters of the country’s biggest bank, UniCredit, both in the center of the northern Italian city of Milan.... More

London, December 12 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabia used British-made cruise missiles during an attack on a civilian Yemeni factory, say Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. ... More

New York, December 12 (RHC)-- Hundreds of protesters have marched in front of Donald Trump's hotel in New York City to condemn the U.S. Republican presidential hopeful’s call to prohibit Muslims from entering the United States. Activists chanted “Dump Trump” and “refugees welcome.” ... More

Oklahoma City, December 12 (RHC)-- A jury in the United States has found a former Oklahoma City police officer guilty of rape and sexual battery. Twenty-nine year old Daniel Holtzclaw was charged with sexually assaulting and raping 13 African-American women, according to court records. ... More
