Brasilia, December 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- BHP, the world's largest mining and metals company, is deemed responsible for the November 5th dam burst in Minas Gerais which is widely regarded as Brazil’s largest ever mining disaster.... More

Bogotá, December 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Colombian Gen. Luis Eduardo Martinez, accused of maintaining drug trafficking connections while heading a manhunt for one of the country’s top drug lords, may still be slated for a promotion despite the alleged illicit ties, Colombian media reported Tuesday.... More

Caracas, December 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday officials will investigate whether the directors of U.S. food company Kraft Heinz are deliberately “sabotaging” the country’s economy.... More

Santiago de Chile, December 2 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Over 300 whale carcasses have been found washed ashore on Chile's southern coast, between the Gulf of Penas and Puerto Natales.... More

Niamey, December 1 (RHC)-- Boko Haram Takfiri militants have attacked a village in southeast Niger, killing at least four people and burning some 50 homes. Local authorities said on Monday that the latest assault took place in the country’s southeastern Diffa region, located on the border with Nigeria. ... More

La Paz, December 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales is set to meet with social movement leaders on Tuesday upon his return from COP 21 climate summit in Paris.... More

Paris, December 1 (RHC)-- Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Turkey of downing a Russian warplane last week because it wanted to protect the flow of oil from ISIL-controlled territories in Iraq and Syria. ... More

Berlin, December 1 (RHC)-- The Daesh Takfiris wreaking hovic in Iraq and Syria were created due to the United States' erroneous policies that included the 2003 Iraq War, says a former US military chief. ... More

Washington, December 1 (RHC)-- The U.S. is to send special groups known as "foreign fighter surge teams" overseas in an attempt to prevent terrorists from traveling. According to a statement released by the White House: “The Departments of Homeland Security and State, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and US intelligence community elements will deploy Foreign Fighter Surge Teams to work with countries to counter terrorist travel.” ... More

Bangui, December 1 (RHC)-- Pope Francis says Muslims and Christians are 'brothers and sisters' during a visit to the only remaining Muslim neighborhood in Central African Republic's capital, Bangui. ... More

Washington, December 1 (RHC)-- The BDS campaign against Israel began in July 2005 by 171 Palestinian organizations, calling for "various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law.” ... More

London, December 1 (RHC)-- The world's 48 least developed countries need nearly $1 trillion in the next decade to achieve their plans to tackle climate change, a British think-tank says. According to the calculations made by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), these poorest nations require $53.8 billion annually to curb emissions and $39.9 billion to cope with more extreme weather and rising sea levels from 2020 to 2030. ... More

London, December 1 (RHC)-- British junior doctors have gone out on strike in protest at controversial contracts that will lead to pay cuts and longer working conditions. ... More

Buenos Aires, December 1 (RHC)-- A Buenos Aires criminal court has sentenced former Argentinian President Carlos Menem to four years and six months in prison for illegal “bonus payments” while in office. ... More

Castries, December 1 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States is considering health care reform and the governments of the bloc are reportedly studying a regional health care insurance program.... More
