Kabul, November 23 (RHC)-- A magnitude 5.9 earthquake has hit northern Afghanistan, the Indian capital New Delhi, and parts of Pakistan. The epicenter of the seismic activity, which occurred at 1816 GMT late on Sunday, was 22 kilometers southwest of Ashkasham in the Afghan province of Badakhshan, 300 kilometers northeast of the Afghan capital Kabul. ... More

Atlanta, November 23 (RHC)-- Human rights activists converged on the U.S. state of Georgia over the weekend for the annual protest calling for the closure of the U.S. military training school known as School of the Americas. ... More

United Nations, November 23 (RHC)-- Some two million children under five in Sudan suffer from malnutrition every year, UNICEF's representative says. "Over 38 percent of children under the age of five, totaling two million, are chronically malnourished across Sudan," Geert Cappelaere, UNICEF's representative to Sudan, said on Sunday. ... More

Chicago, November 23 (RHC)-- Islamophobic incidents have continued in the United States following the attacks in Paris. ... More

London, November 23 (RHC)-- New research shows that a quarter of people who are diagnosed with cancer after going to the Accidents and Emergency (A&E) departments in London are dead within two months. ... More

London, November 23 (RHC)-- At least 151 people have been executed in Saudi Arabia so far this year, the highest figure in the last 20 years, Amnesty International says. In a statement, the rights group said Saudi authorities, on average, have put to death one person every other day so far this year. ... More

Caracas, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuela's state oil company, known as PDVSA, is considering opening legal proceedings against the United States over years of U.S. spying on the oil company, which were revealed last week in an exclusive report by teleSUR. ... More

Bogotá, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Colombian government has granted a presidential pardon to 30 members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC, the government announced on Sunday.... More

Caracas, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro meets with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin Monday in Tehran, Iran to discuss the stabilization of the price of oil, a critical export and important source of revenue for both countries. ... More

Guatemala City, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Fewer Guatemalans are facing acute malnutrition than last year with a 13.4 percent drop between October 2014 and 2015.... More

Dallas, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A new study found that between 100,000 and 240,000 women, mostly Latina, have carried out self-induced abortions at least once in Texas, a state where women’s reproductive rights have become a winning battleground for conservatives.... More

Mexico City, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Five Colombian nationals were found dead with signs of torture in the southeastern Mexican state of Veracruz, where they were reported missing 10 days ago, La Jornada reported Sunday.... More

Mexico City, November 23 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Five Colombian nationals were found dead with signs of torture in the southeastern Mexican state of Veracruz, where they were reported missing 10 days ago, La Jornada reported Sunday.... More

Jerusalem, November 23 (RHC)-- Another Palestinian has been killed by Israeli forces in a fresh round of violence in the occupied city of Jerusalem.... More

United Nations, November 21 (RHC)-- The United Nations Security Council has called for "all necessary measures" to fight Daesh Takfiri terrorists after France presented a draft resolution to the 15-member council calling for a war on the terror group.... More
