Caracas, November 19 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro told teleSUR that his government rejected the U.S.’s spying on his country, exposed Wednesday by teleSUR and The Intercept.... More

Paris, November 19 (RHC)-- The French National Assembly has voted to approve President François Hollande’s plan to extend the state of emergency by three months, and to grant Hollande a sweeping expansion of state powers. ... More

Paris, November 19 (RHC)-- French authorities have announced they have canceled the November 29 march the day before the opening of the U.N. climate summit due to "the heightened security situation." ... More

Cairo, November 19 (RHC)-- Members of ISIL published a photo in their on-line magazine Wednesday which they say shows the bomb that brought down the Russian plane over the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, killing all 224 people on board. ... More

Stockholm, November 19 (RHC)-- Sweden has raised its terrorist threat level for the first time to "high" -- the second-highest step on a five-point scale, after the country's security police said they had "concrete information" of a possible attack by the Daesh Takfiri group. ... More

Abuja, November 19 (RHC)-- In Nigeria, two suicide bomb attacks killed as many as 15 people in a market in the northern city of Kano on Wednesday, less than 24 hours after another suicide bomb killed more than 30 people at a crowded market in the northeastern city of Yola. ... More

Washington, November 19 (RHC)-- The Barack Obama administration has announced approval of a $1.29 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, despite reports of possible war crimes in Yemen. ... More

Washington, November 19 (RHC)-- John Brennan, the director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, has lashed out at renowned whistle-blower Edward Snowden for what he calls 'undermining the nation's security.' ... More

Beijing, November 19 (RHC)-- The number of deaths from a landslide in eastern China has risen to 38 as rescue teams continue providing aid to the survivors of the natural disaster. ... More

Philadelphia, November 19 (RHC)-- A new collection of scientific studies on extreme weather events says climate change played a role in at least half of the droughts, floods and storms last year. ... More

Washington, November 19 (RHC)-- A program intended to help Central American children apply for refugee status in the United States has failed to admit a single child into U.S. in over 10 months. ... More

Quito, November 19 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa will not run for re-election in the country’s 2017 general elections, the National Assembly announced Wednesday, and Ecuador’s governing PAIS Alliance party confirmed its support of the decision.... More

Brasilia, November 19 (PL-RHC)-- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff reaffirmed her commitment to fight racism, violence and social and gender inequality on the eve of the Day of Black Consciousness.... More

Guatemala City, November 19 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A coalition of Guatemalan immigrants living in the United States gathered in Guatemala City on Wednesday to bring their demands to the Guatemalan government with hopes of seeing new priorities in the Central American country’s political agenda.... More

Brasilia, November 19 (teleSUR-RHC)-- According to organizers, at least 10,000 Black women marched Wednesday in Brasilia to protest against violence, racism, and to demand gender equality.... More
