Damascus, November 4 (RHC)-- Syria’s state television says the country’s armed forces have reopened a road leading to government-controlled parts of the northern city of Aleppo. ... More

Port-Au-Prince, November 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Haiti's electoral authorities reported Tuesday that the preliminary results of the elections will not be disclosed as expected, according to the national electoral law, but on Thursday.... More

Juba, November 4 (RHC)-- At least 41 people have been killed in an incident during which a cargo plane crash-landed shortly after takeoff in South Sudan. ... More

Cairo, November 4 (RHC)-- At least twelve people, among them civilians, have lost their lives and 20 others sustained injuries in a car bomb explosion that targeted security personnel in Egypt’s volatile Sinai Peninsula.... More

Geneva, November 4 (RHC)-- Doctors Without Borders has marked one month since the United States bombed its hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, killing 30 people. The Pentagon has still not issued a long-delayed preliminary report on the attack. ... More

Washington, November 4 (RHC)-- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has designed an interactive program for schools to prevent students from being attracted to violent extremism and radicalization but the program is feared to foment discrimination against Muslims. ... More

Sanaa, November 4 (RHC)-- Yemen has been battered by a tropical cyclone, marking the first time in recorded history a tropical storm has ever made landfall there. ... More

London, November 4 (RHC)-- A British newspaper is reporting officials under former British Prime Minister Tony Blair were told to destroy a secret document questioning the legality of the Iraq War less than three weeks before the 2003 invasion. ... More

Tel Aviv, November 4 (RHC)-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has retracted his claim a Palestinian cleric gave Hitler the idea to exterminate European Jews. ... More

Ottawa, November 4 (RHC)-- The corporation behind the Keystone XL oil pipeline has asked the Barack Obama administration to suspend its long-running review of the controversial project. ... More

Baghdad, November 4 (RHC)-- Iraqi politician Ahmed Chalabi, who played a key role in pushing for the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, has died at the age of 71. ... More

Boston, November 4 (RHC)-- The Massachusetts chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for a hate crime investigation after the word "USA" was spray-painted multiple times on a Burlington mosque. ... More

Mexico City, November 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The number of drug dealers in Mexico’s federal prisons grew 1,200 percent between 2006 and 2014, according to a report released Tuesday by the Collective of Drug and Law Studies, findings that will be presented before Mexico’s lower house of Congress.... More

Asunción, November 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A wave of popular protests and strikes rocked Paraguay on Tuesday as popular discontent with the national government reached a breaking point in the South American country.... More

Bogotá, November 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Colombia’s ongoing peace negotiations between the government and FARC rebels entered a critical phase on Tuesday as the two sides neared agreements on key issues that would pave the way for a bilateral cease-fire ending 50-years of armed conflict.... More
