Washington, July 3 (RHC)-- The U.S. Supreme Court has voted to sharply limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate carbon emissions from power plants. ... More

Gaza City, July 3 (RHC)-- The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) has welcomed a United Nations report that called for the immediate ending of the siege that Israel has been imposing on the Gaza Strip since 2007.... More

Geneva, July 3 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization's (WHO) regional director for Europe, Hans Henri P. Kluge, reports that Monkeypox cases have tripled on the continent in the past two weeks with more than 4,500 infections reported.... More

Damascus, July 3 (RHC)-- At least two civilians were injured following Israel’s missile attacks on Saturday in Syria’s western port city of Tartus.... More

Akron, July 3 (RHC)-- The police shooting death of yet another African-American in the Midwestern city of Akron in the U.S. state of Ohio, has sparked protests in the city, leading authorities to take unusual security measures.... More

Caracas, July 2 (RHC)-- The Venezuelan Government denounced this Saturday a new sabotage to the National Electric System (SEN), which affected several sectors of the capital, Caracas, and informed that investigations are being carried out to bring those responsible to justice.... More

Managua, July 2 (RHC)-- The eye of Tropical Storm Bonnie has left the Nicaraguan mainland and is moving into the Pacific Ocean, where it is expected to become a hurricane, while flash floods and mudslides are expected over parts of Nicaragua and Costa Rica over the weekend.... More

Washington, July 2 (RHC)-- Outside the U.S. Supreme Court, police arrested more than 180 reproductive rights protesters as they peacefully blocked an intersection in a massive show of nonviolent civil disobedience. ... More

Brasilia, July 2 (RCH)-- The leader of the Brazilian Workers' Party (PT), Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has reiterated that if he wins the presidential elections next October, he will work on the reconstruction of the country and will advance in the fight against several social problems that the population is currently facing.... More

Caracas, July 2 (RHC)-- In July, TeleSUR celebrates the 17th anniversary of its creation. To do so, this alternative Latin American television network will expand its satellite broadcasts to Europe.... More

Mexico City, July 2 (RHC)-- In Mexico, people took to the streets of Victoria City, in the state of Tamaulipas, to demand justice for journalist Antonio de la Cruz, who was shot to death on Wednesday.   They walked through several streets of the Tamaulipas capital with banners and shouting slogans such as "I am a journalist," "The truth cannot killed," "Not one more," and "Justice for Toño."... More

Laredo, July 2 (RHC)-- Four people have been killed after a vehicle crashed in Texas, southern United States, while trying to evade an immigration checkpoint, according to officials.... More

London, July 2 (RHC)-- The troubles continue to mount for the embattled British prime minister Boris Johnson after the Conservative deputy chief whip was forced to resign over sexual misconduct.... More

United Nations, July 2 (RHC)-- Marking the 15th anniversary of the Israeli regime’s crippling siege of the Gaza Strip, a United Nations report highlights the monumental toll the blockade has taken on the coastal enclave’s population.... More

Port-au-Prince, July 2 (RHC)-- The Haitian Center for Analysis and Research on Human Rights (Cardh) denounced that between April and June 2022, 326 people were kidnapped in the Caribbean country.... More
