Beijing, February 18 (RHC)-- U.S. allegations that China is causing harm to workers and violating trade commitments are inconsistent with international economic and trade rules, the Chinese government has said.   “China's economic achievements in the past 40 years are due to its successful reform and opening-up policy," Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng said on Thursday. ... More

Geneva, February 18 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization has said countries struggling with surging COVID-19 infections may shorten the recommended quarantine duration of 14 days in some situations.  The UN health agency said on Thursday its new guidelines may be helpful for places where essential services are under pressure.... More

United Nations, February 18 (RHC)-- The United Nations is warning around two-thirds of aid programs in Yemen had to be slashed or closed last month and that continued lack of funding could mean 8 million Yemenis will lose all humanitarian assistance by next month. ... More

Damascus, February 18 (RHC)--In Syria, over a dozen hospitals have been forced to shut down or scale back in the war-ravaged northwestern Idlib province due to lack of funding.  At some hospitals, health workers are having to work without pay in order to keep services running. ... More

Geneva, February 18 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization says the number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide fell by 19% last week, as many countries in Europe and the Americas saw a sharp drop from record-high levels of infection.  Even so, there were 16 million new cases and about 75,000 deaths reported around the globe last week.... More

Kabul, February 18 (RHC)-- U.S. President Joe Biden's order diverting half of Afghanistan’s frozen assets to 9/11 families continues to spark outrage among Afghans.  People across the country hold different demonstrations against the U.S. to condemn Biden’s move.  They say “9/11 has nothing to do with the Afghan People,” calling for the entire frozen assets to be released for the benefit of Afghanistan.... More

Caracas, February 18 (RHC)-- The president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, denounced on Thursday the links between criminal groups that operated in Venezuela and are neutralized, the Colombian authorities and the former opposition deputy Juan Guaidó.... More

Mexico City, February 17 (RHC)-- In Mexico, journalists disrupted a session of Congress to denounce the assassinations of five reporters since the start of the year and to call for an end to impunity for killers.  Protesters also held a minute of silence in honor of their slain colleagues. ... More

New Orleans, February 17 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Louisiana, a Black man who spent 44 years behind bars was released from Angola state prison this week after a judge ruled he never got a fair trial. ... More

La Paz, February 17 (RHC)-- The Bolivian government reported Wednesday that the country has more than 1,300,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine, received at the facilities of the National Institute of Health Laboratories (Inlasa), and acquired through the Covax mechanism.... More

Beijing, February 17 (RHC)-- China has condemned the United States’ decision to seize Afghanistan’s frozen assets amid a mounting humanitarian crisis, saying the conduct is no different from that of “bandits.”... More

Damascus, February 17 (RHC)-- Syria’s air defenses repel another attack by the Israeli regime on the outskirts of the Arab country’s capital Damascus.  The official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) carried the report, citing a “military source” as saying that the Israeli attack targeted the town of Zakieh, which is located to the south of the capital, early on Thursday.... More

Brasilia, February 17 (RHC)-- At least 100 people were killed in devastating flash floods and landslides that hit the picturesque Brazilian city of Petropolis, turning streets into torrential rivers and sweeping away houses, officials said Wednesday.... More

Bogota, February 17 (RHC)-- At least 73,974 people were forcibly displaced from their homes across Colombia in 2021, more than double last year’s figure, a United Nations agency has said in a new report, amid an increase of violence on civilians by armed groups.... More

Mogadishu, February 17 (RHC)-- In Somalia, at least five people are dead, including two children, after al-Shabab fighters attacked several police stations and security checkpoints in the capital Mogadishu.... More
