Washington, February 10 (RHC)-- Human rights experts told a U.S. Senate panel Wednesday that Congress should take back authority for use of lethal force from the executive branch.  The testimony came during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s first hearing into the military’s use of drones in nearly a decade. ... More

Sacramento, February 10 (RHC)-- The U.S. state of California is suing Tesla, accusing the electric car maker of operating a “racially segregated workplace” at its factory in the San Francisco Bay Area.... More

Washington, February 10 (RHC)-- Former White House senior adviser Peter Navarro says he won’t comply with a congressional subpoena issued by the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol insurrection. ... More

La Paz, February 10 (RHC)-- The trial for the "Coup d'Etat II" case against the former de facto ruler of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, was postponed this Thursday in La Paz after the proceedings began.  Reports from La Paz say that the court failed to be installed due to "technical difficulties."... More

Bogota, February 10 (RHC)-- The National Strike Committee (CNP) of Colombia and the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) called this Wednesday for a new day of peaceful mobilizations to take place on March 3, 2022, against the policies of the government of Iván Duque.   ... More

Paris, February 10 (RHC)-- Six Latin American countries have denounced an upcoming auction of pre-Hispanic artifacts in France.  In a joint statement, the ambassadors to Paris of Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, and the Dominican Republic protested "in the strongest terms," demanding that the sale of the artifacts by auction houses in the coming days be halted.... More

Ramallah, February 10 (RHC)-- Israeli military forces have attacked and injured Palestinians holding rallies in the streets of the occupied West Bank to condemn the fatal shooting of three young Palestinian men by Israeli troops during an operation in the city of Nablus.... More

Brasilia, February 10 (RHC)-- Popular Brazilian podcast host, Bruno Aiub, also known as Monark, found himself at the center of a major scandal on Monday after he said a Nazi party should be “recognized by law” during his Flow Podcast — one of the most listened to in Brazil.... More

La Paz, February 10 (RHC)-- The first oral trial against the former de facto president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, begins this Thursday in the capital of the South American country.  This is the trial baptized as "Coup d'Etat II" -- in which Jeanine Áñez is accused of breach of duties and resolutions contrary to the Constitution for having assumed the presidency on November 12, 2019 without meeting the necessary institutional requirements.... More

Brasilia, February 10 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva expressed this Wednesday that he will dialogue with different sectors of the people to rebuild Brazil, in the context of the new revelations that ratify that there was a parliamentary coup d'état against his colleague in the struggle, former president Dilma Rousseff.... More

Mexico City, February 10 (RHC)-- President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico has suggested his country take “a break” in its relations with Spain to give both countries time “to respect each other.”... More

Ramallah, February 10 (RHC)-- At least 277 human rights groups and civil society organizations have denounced Israel for carrying out the crime of apartheid against Palestinians and said the regime must be held accountable for such a practice.... More

La Paz, February 10 (RHC)-- In Bolivia, the Committee for the Trial against Coup Plotters of 2019 has demanded to speed up the judicial processes against the former de facto governor Jeanine Áñez for sedition, conspiracy and terrorism, while the former senator began a hunger strike in the Miraflores prison.... More

San Juan, February 9 (RHC)-- Puerto Rico is bracing for a second day of protests Thursday as public-sector workers said they will continue to fight for higher wages and more pension guarantees as the U.S. commonwealth struggles to balance the demands of a historic bankruptcy against growing discontent.... More

London, February 9 (RHC)-- A speech by Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom Tzipi Hotovely has been disrupted at the Cambridge University after students staged a sit-in to protest against the envoy's presence.... More
