London, January 29 (RHC)-- A British minister has threatened pro-Palestinian protesters and activists with prosecution and warned that those chanting slogans in support of Gaza-based resistance groups could face legal action.... More

Vienna, January 29 (RHC)-- Activists who reject COVID-19 vaccines and anti-coronavirus measures are crossing borders to join protests where extremist ideology is being spread, Austria’s new domestic intelligence chief told the AFP news agency, calling the trend “very scary.”... More

Lima, January 28 (RHC)-- The Peruvian Minister of Commerce and Tourism, Roberto Sanchez, said that Lima will evaluate the suspension of the license of the company Repsol, after the recent oil spill that affected the sea in front of the Ventanilla area.... More

Sydney, January 28 (RHC)-- One of the largest icebergs ever observed has broken up in the southern Atlantic Ocean. When it drifted away from Antarctica in 2017, Iceberg A68a was roughly the size of Delaware, weighing in at an estimated 1 trillion tons. ... More

Los Angeles, January 28 (RHC)-- The Los Angeles City Council has voted to prohibit new oil and gas wells and phase out existing wells within city limits. The measure also creates a program to help oil and gas workers transition to jobs in other industries.... More

Baghdad, January 28 (RHC)-- At least three rockets have landed in the Baghdad International Airport compound and near an adjacent U.S. airbase, damaging one disused civilian aircraf, Iraqi police sources said.... More

Ramallah, January 28 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have injured dozens of Palestinians taking part in protests against Israeli settlements in several areas across the occupied West Bank.  On Friday, Israeli forces suppressed a weekly anti-settlement rally in Kafr Qaddum, using rubber bullets and tear gas.... More

Maputo, January 28 (RHC)-- At least 70 people in southern Africa were killed as Tropical Storm Ana struck Madagascar this week before slamming into Mozambique and Malawi.  Torrential rains triggered landslides and caused flooding that washed away bridges, submerged farmers’ fields and damaged tens of thousands of homes. ... More

Ottawa, January 28 (RHC)-- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau argued that a convoy of up to 50,000 truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the country are a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.”  Trudeau made his comment ahead of a trucker protest scheduled to take place in Ottawa this weekend.... More

London, January 28 (RHC)-- The controversial Nationality and Borders bill is still causing a stir in Britain as the government seeks to grant itself more powers to revoke citizenship without having to inform the person in advance.  Critics fear the bill empowers racism and makes minorities vulnerable to state persecution and authoritarianism.... More

Tegucigalpa, January 28 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Felix Plasencia announced on Thursday the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between his country and Honduras, after the arrival of Xiomara Castro to the presidency of the Central American country.... More

Brasilia, January 28 (RHC)-- Brazil reports the highest number of Sar Cov-2 positives since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 228,954 new cases, attributed, among other factors, to the new Omicron variant.... More

Lima, January 28 (RHC)-- Peruvian Environment Minister Rubén Ramírez reported Thursday that the Environmental Evaluation and Oversight Agency (OEFA) is giving several deadlines to the Spanish company Repsol to clean up and clean up the area affected by the oil spill or fines will be applied.... More

Caracas, January 28 (RHC)-- The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted on Thursday that with great effort, it was possible to build political stability and social peace in the country -- two fundamental conditions to consolidate an integral recovery.... More

Geneva, January 27 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization says nations reported 21 million new coronavirus cases last week — the highest weekly toll of the pandemic.  This comes as the Financial Times reports the COVAX initiative to bring vaccines to poor and middle-income nations is unable to accept new donations because it has nearly exhausted the funds needed to buy crucial accessories, including syringes. ... More
