New York, January 4 (RHC)-- The eldest children of former President Donald Trump, Ivanka and Donald Jr., are not planning to comply with subpoenas from the New York attorney general.  New York Attorney General Letitia James and an attorney for the Trump Organization made the announcement in a document they jointly filed on Monday.... More

Washington, January 4 (RHC)-- The United States recorded more than one million COVID-19 cases on Monday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.  There were 1,080,211 new cases in the country, a global record, with the number of cases doubling on the previous week.... More

Denver, January 4 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Colorado, Governor Jared Polis reduced the 110-year prison sentence of truck driver Rogel Aguilera-Mederos to 10 years, calling the initial lengthy sentence “unjust.” ... More

New York, January 4 (RHC)-- The Earth is facing the biggest extinction event since the end of the dinosaur era, with a million species at risk of becoming extinct within the next few decades, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has said in a report.... More

Ramallah, January 4 (RHC)-- Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge have launched a boycott of Israel’s military courts in the occupied West Bank, as prisoner groups warn that one detainee on hunger strike faces “imminent danger of death.”... More

Rome, January 4 (RHC)-- In Italy, passengers have began disembarking from the MCS Grandiosa liner carrying dozens people who tested positive for the coronavirus.  State TV’s RaiNews24 reported that passengers testing positive numbered 150, and that most of them of were Italian.... More

Geneva, January 4 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization’s Incident Manager, Abdi Mahamud, told a press conference more evidence is emerging that the Omicron coronavirus variant is affecting the upper respiratory tract, causing milder symptoms than previous strains.... More

Mexico City, January 4 (RHC)-- The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has called on the United States to be "humanitarian" with Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, who is imprisoned in the United Kingdom and is wanted by the U.S. justice system on charges of espionage.... More

Albany, January 4 (RHC)-- New York Attorney General Letitia James has subpoenaed Donald Trump and his two eldest children, Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump, as part of a civil investigation into the former US president’s business practices.... More

New York, January 4 (RHC)-- Amid the Omicron variant pushing coronavirus infections to record-high levels in the United States, thousands of schools -- including in some major cities -- have delayed scheduled return to classrooms following the holiday break or switched to remote learning.... More

Washington, January 3 (RHC)-- Twitter permanently suspended the personal account of Republican Congressmember Marjorie Taylor Greene for repeatedly posting misinformation about COVID-19. The suspension came after the far-right Georgia lawmaker tweeted over the weekend about “extremely high amounts of COVID vaccine deaths.” ... More

Ottawa, January 3 (RHC)-- Two Canadian provinces have shortened the self-isolation period for vaccinated individuals who test positive for COVID-19, as the country grapples with a surge in cases linked to the Omicron variant.... More

Berlin, January 3 (RHC)-- Germany is shutting down half of the six nuclear plants it still has in operation, a year before the country draws the final curtain on its decades-long use of atomic power. ... More

London, January 3 (RHC)-- England’s National Health Service (NHS) is setting up coronavirus “surge hubs” at hospitals across the country amid a record number of infections and rising hospital admissions driven by the Omicron variant.... More

Washington, January 3 (RHC)-- A team from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) described their research as the “most comprehensive analysis” to date of how the COVID virus spreads through the human body.  ... More
