Geneva, December 30 (RHC)-- The world has hit a new record number of COVID-19 cases in a single week, according to one tally, with daily infections also reaching new highs in the United States, Australia and several European countries amid the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.... More

Washington, December 29 (RHC)-- A U.S. judge has denied a motion by four leaders of the Proud Boys far-right group to dismiss federal criminal charges stemming from the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol building.... More

Tegucigalpa, December 29 (RHC)-- The plenary of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Honduras has issued the declaration of the Definitive General Scrutiny of candidates for deputies and mayors who participated in the general elections of last November 28th.... More

La Paz, December 29 (RHC)-- In the Bolivian capital, lawyer Nadeshdha Guevara filed a complaint against the former Bolivian de facto president, Jeanine Áñez and the former Minister of Government, Arturo Murillo, due to the alleged illegal detention and torture of 54 people in the framework of the violent repression between 2019 and 2020.... More

Pretoria, December 29 (RHC)-- A South African court has ordered Royal Dutch Shell to halt its plans to explore for oil in the pristine Wild Coast of eastern South Africa.... More

Anchorage, December 29 (RHC)-- In the United States, the climate emergency is leading to more extreme winter weather.  Alaska set a record-high December temperature of 67 degrees in the town of Kodiak earlier this week, while other parts of Alaska saw record December rainfall, with temperatures as much as 45 degrees above average. ... More

Atlanta, December 29 (RHC)-- U.S. coronavirus infections have reached an all-time high, surpassing even January’s terrible peak, with cases now averaging 267,000 a day and rising rapidly. ... More

Paris, December 29 (RHC)-- Countries across Europe are imposing restrictions on social life during the holiday season in response to a growing number of COVID-19 cases.  The authorities fear hospitals could be overwhelmed by Omicron-variant patients.... More

London, December 29 (RHC)-- The so-called “do not resuscitate” orders, known as DNACPRs, were offered to families of children with autism and other learning disabilities amid concerns about pressure on the UK’s National Health Service, according to the Telegraph newspaper. ... More

Ottawa, December 29 (RHC)-- Canada’s Public Health Agency has admitted to secretly tracking location data from at least 33 million mobile devices to analyze people’s movements during COVID-19 lockdowns.... More

Vatican City, December 29 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has called on the international community to defend children from mistreatment and violations of their rights, including prostitution, sexual abuse, wars and displacement and child slave labor.... More

United Nations, December 29 (RHC)-- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reports that about 3.3 million Haitians do not have drinking water, a problem that worsened after the earthquake of August 14th.... More

Geneva, December 29 (RHC)-- Global coronavirus cases have hit a record high as the Omicron variant continues to spread at an unprecedented pace.  Worldwide, countries reported nearly a million-and-a-half positive coronavirus tests in just 24 hours, with the rate of new infections rising rapidly in southern Africa, Europe, North America and elsewhere. ... More

New York, December 29 (RHC)-- Long lines are overwhelming coronavirus testing sites across the U.S. amid a recent surge in COVID-19 cases, with available appointments at pharmacies becoming difficult to find.... More

Bogota, December 28 (RHC)-- Colombia's Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) confirmed Tuesday the 93rd massacre in 2021, after three members of a family were killed in the village of Sabanalarga de Sácama, in the department of Casanare.... More
