Geneva, December 13 (RHC)-- More than half a billion people globally were pushed into extreme poverty last year as they paid for health costs out of their own pockets during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the World Health Organization and the World Bank.... More

London, December 13 (RHC)--The UK has raised its COVID alert level due to the “rapid increase” in cases of the Omicron variant, the country’s four chief medical officers have said.  The advisers said on Sunday the public health risk assessment would move from level three to four – the second-highest level – which indicates “transmission is high and pressure on healthcare services is widespread and substantial or rising.”... More

London, December 12 (RHC)-- The founder and publisher of WikiLeaks Julian Assange had a mini-stroke during his battle to avoid extradition from Britain to the United States, his fiancee Stella Moris said over the weekend in London.... More

Tel Aviv, December 12 (RHC)-- Israel’s military is preparing a possible strike against Iran, the country’s media has reported citing defense and diplomatic sources.  Tel Aviv has already notified the Joe Biden White House of its plans, facing “no veto” on such preparations.... More

Beijing, December 12 (RHC)-- The Chinese Foreign Ministry has accused the US of using the idea of “democracy” as a “weapon of mass destruction” to impose its will upon the world, after Beijing was left uninvited from Washington’s ‘Summit for Democracy.’... More

Brasilia, December 12 (RHC)-- Websites belonging to Brazil’s health ministry have been taken down by a ransomware attack that also hit systems holding details about the country’s immunization program and a portal used to issue digital vaccination certificates.... More

Mexico City, December 12 (RHC)-- Mexico is calling on the U.S. government to reform its immigration policy, after the death of 55 migrants in a tragic accident in the south of the country.... More

Tegucigalpa, December 11 (RHC)-- The government of the outgoing president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández intends to approve last minute laws with the aim of complicating the administration of the elected president, Xiomara Castro, who will take office on January 27th.  ... More

Washington, December 11 (RHC)-- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) says that access to health services and the protection of Indigenous peoples and other ethnic groups such as Afro-descendants is a fundamental human right.... More

Auckland, December 11 (RHC)-- A New Zealander has ended up under investigation after he allegedly got up to 10 Covid-19 vaccine shots in a single day, impersonating other people reluctant to get vaccinated for cash.  The bizarre over-vaccination story was first reported by the Stuff news website on Friday.... More

New York, December 11 (RHC)-- In an historic workers’ victory, employees at a Starbucks store in Buffalo, New York, have voted to unionize.  The Elmwood Starbucks is the first among the coffee chain’s 9,000 U.S. locations to form a union. ... More

Brussels, December 11 (RHC)-- Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, who hosted a show on RT Spanish, said that those going after Julian Assange want to discourage others from exposing war crimes. "The prosecution is a total sham," he argued.... More

Buenos Aires, December 11 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received this Friday in Buenos Aires a commemorative plaque for his commitment to human rights, in the framework of the Azucena Villaflor 2021 Awards Ceremony.... More

Mexico City, December 11 (RHC)-- Mexico, along with other countries in the region, assured that they will not allow impunity in the case of the accident that occurred Thursday in Chiapas that has claimed the lives of, so far, 55 people of different nationalities, and left more than a hundred injured.... More

Rome, December 11 (RHC)-- The Catholic Church has apologized to parents after a bishop in Sicily told a congregation packed with children that “Santa Claus does not exist,” and that the modern Father Christmas was invented by the Coca-Cola company.... More
